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    What is this famous icon?

    can't be that famous an icon if you don't get an answer that tells you what it is
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    do u think i should take a mini vacation?

    if you have never been to southern california it is worth visiting at least once. two days isn't much but it better than nothing. there is a lot to see and do from san diego to santa barbara if you have been here then you probably know the places you want to see again
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    Why does windows 7 bring up system recovery every morning?

    don't have an answer for you. i have been using windows 7 since 2010. i boot up my computer on average at least three times a day, every day and never had that problem
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    What happens if a student driver runs a red light WHILE in their driving lesson?

    if she didn't get a ticket she won't be fined. chances are she is not going to get a good grade in driver's education
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    Biology Hiking Question. Please Help?

    i have been hiking and backpacking most of my life. i specially like being in the high country above timberline. i do not use trekking poles. i have never experienced swelling in my fingers
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    Why would the Sprint cellphone company charge me 315$?

    read your bill. find out what you are being charged for. if you didn't do what they are charging you for call customer service and ask to have the bill adjusted
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    How do I get my friends and table-mates to stop joking about rape?

    if they know you were abused and that it bothers you when they joke about and they keep doing it then they aren't your friends. find some new ones who will respect your feelings on not make the viscous brutal attack that rape truly is into a joke
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    would you rather hike up a high mountain, or ski down a big mountain?

    i have done both. i have hiked up mountains in new hampshire/vermont, colorado, and the sierra nevadas in california. i have skied mountains in new hampshire/vermont, michigan, colorado, california, and germany. both are different and incredible highs without alcohol or drugs no flask hiking...
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    Is Sam Bradford the only rookie to play on the same team as Jerry Rice, Johnny

    i think you need to reconsider the facts you presented sam bradford was a quarterback and as far as i know never a punter or kicker, and as far as i know never a rookie with any of the other three nor on the same team with any of the other three jerry rice was a wide receiver and as far as i...
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    Make A Dirt bike street legal?

    best resource is your local department of motor vehicles, wherever you go to get your drivers license or license plates for your car. they can tell you what you motorcycle needs to be street legal you may have to add certain equipment that you might not have on your dirt bike. you will have...
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    Need some Jokes about Jews\Christians\Muslim?

    a rabbi and a priest are on an airplane together the priest asks the rabbi if judaism still prohibits eating pork. the rabbi said it does the priest asks the rabbi has he ever eaten pork. the rabbi said he did one time the rabbi asks the priest if his vows require him to be celibate. the...
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    Can religion stop you from being legally assaulted?

    if you are in a situation where "they" want to force anti psychotic drugs on you i don't think "they" will care what your religion is people who will force you to do anything usually think you are a piece of sh*t or don't care what you think or say. if they cared maybe they wouldn't use force
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    I live in a trailer park and have 3 kids 2.5 and under and snowmobiles go by

    if the bar isn't in the park the police should arrest him there for drunk driving you could also talk with the trailer park management. most likely you aren't the only one his noisy snowmobile bothers
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    What's a good vacation spot?

    depends on what you like, where you are starting from, what kind of money you want to spend, how much time you have, give us a clue and we will provide better answers
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    What if your bf/husband LOVES the outdoors but you don't like it at all?

    for any relationship to work one of the most ignored things is the need for time on your own. just because you are in a relationship doesn't mean you can't have some time to yourself. if you give up something you love just because your mate doesn't like it you are hurting both of you you need...
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    my 16 year old son wants 2 join the army wen he's old enuff,but i dont want him

    my personal opinion is that everyone should serve their country for a minimum of two years. i'm not suggesting everyone should be in the military, there are lots of things that need doing that do not require military training i am suggesting that whatever service is done the person should be...