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  1. M

    Atheists : If I ask you a question on religion , why you guys put a bible to my face

    Do you have religious texts you follow? Maybe make your question clearer to us.
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    Do You Believe The May 21,2011 Prophecy?

    m a atheist but honestly the particular christian group that came up with it made it up entirely. Please do not spend your life in fear. Instead research the claims and discover for yourself there is no evidence at all and that these people claiming it have a history of fraud.
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    Why do Christians still believe that really weird rumors about evolution?

    Will full ignorance and stupidity and fear
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    Why Muslims deny the Trinity and divinity of Jesus Christ? What's so wrong about it?

    They have their own version of unsupported beliefs for which there is no evidence to support it.
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    Telling others about Christ?

    You do not. Clearly she has no wish to hear it so keep it to yourself. You have every right to believe and she has every right not to or to believe differently or to no want to hear it. Find a christian group to be with but do no violate this other persons rights when she clearly does not...
  6. M

    Once theistic Atheists: Do you have any habits from your previous religion?

    No, some times i say "god save us" but otherwise no. I do not attend church or pray. I will read the bible but that si deliberate. I think if I am going to talk to believers I need to know what it is I am talking about. I also read a lot more and varied religious and atheist stuff now so...
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    Is there a parallel saying/verse in Judaism or Christianity?

    Not sure but it is not a very nice saying. Basically saying someone who does not believe is worth nothing or this world is worth nothing. Sorry i am a atheist and definitely worth something and this life is worth something. You do not know nor can you prove that there is any heaven or...
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    You KNOW your a christian when.....? Christian Jokes?

    You deny the fact of evolution despite overwhelming evidence but have not problem believing a whale swallowed a person and he stayed alive, the entire world flood despite being impossible, someone walked on water then zombies walked through town all without a shred of evidence.
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    Isn't it a bit arbitrary the way Christians believe some but not all the commands...

    Yes it is arbitrary and you should not take any of it literally.
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    According to religions marriage is only for producing children?

    Some religious people or theist do think marriage is only for producing children yes. which means if the couple is infertile then the marriage is often not recognised or a bad marriage. Or if the people involved do not want kids then there is something wrong. It is all about power, if a...
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    Which topics interest you, and what do you like to talk about?

    Pretty much anything. I like science, space, history, politics. I will discuss religion if asked but otherwise find it really divisive and abortion is the same.
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    if a religious person knew as much about science as a atheist knows about...

    I would love to see that happen because it would mean they actually spent some time doing some research and gave some things some actual thought. Unfortunately for all of us the very vast majority of theists or religious people have no knowledge of science and do not seem to want to know. It...
  13. M

    Is the Christian God OK with divorce under certain circumstances?

    Well according to the bible no sorry you were supposed to stay married to abusive idiot even if he killed you, which according to the bible he had every right to do so. Both the old and new testament are solid on that fact. As a atheist who knows the bible to be contradictory, untrue and...
  14. M

    I'm an atheist but I don't understand why religious groups such a Muslims

    Even christians spend much of their time fighting amongst themselves. It is because every one thinks they are right and can not accept other points of view. It is why they are so intolerant of atheists, they can not accept our point of view any more than another theists.
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    Is it possible to be a good Muslim and believe in equal treatment for people

    What about us atheists? I suppose we have nor rights do we. I mean we are all evil and wrong and deserve to die ? If you want any respect for you beliefs then you have to give respect for others, including atheists!
  16. M

    Could jesus christ just a simple human being?

    I think if Jesus even existed as there is no good proof he did then he was the son of mary and joseph or a human person. Jesus if he existed was not a son of any god. Look up Mithras and other religions like Horus and find out exactly how similar the stories about those gods are to Jesus. It...
  17. M

    Is there someone who's able to tell me the future of my relashionship

    Sorry anything any one tells you will be a load of garbage. You are better off working for what you want, your future can be anything you want it to be. Why not try different things? Psychic powers and foretelling is just rubbish and has been shown to be false by science. Logic and reason!!
  18. M

    Atheists, do any of you listen to a lot of religious

    I will listen to any music I like. Some religious music (of all different religions and persuasion) is quite good. If it sounds good I would listen if its preaching I will not. If its rubbish I will not.
  19. M

    Why do my fellow Christians on keep attacking atheists?

    Atheists are far from helpless. I think it would be good for a little respect. I think it is true many believers are threatened by us atheists as we do challenge beliefs and ideas they do not like questioned.
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    Have you Christians ever seen an amputee grow back a leg?

    It is impossible for anything to grow back