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  1. M

    Jews, Muslims, etc. believe in God -- yet the atheists usually only dump on

    Buddhists do not all believe in God (though many do). Why not check your facts before you post?
  2. M

    Atheists do you think premonitions, presentiments and other forms of extrasensory...

    I doubt it. I have never seen any convincing evidence for any of them. Why do I need to explain things that are not true? That is for Christians.
  3. M

    What do Christians & Atheist think of these quotes?

    Speaking as an Atheist: I wouldn't expect an infinite Being (such as God) to be able to express Himself fully in any human language without at least a handful of apparent inconsistencies. Think of the double slit experiment: if physics itself is anomalous, God must be moreso. Any Scripture...
  4. M

    What are the differences between faith and religion?

    Faith is the ability to believe things which are not true. Religion is the ability to believe things which are not true, reinforced by the incapacity to make up nonsense of your own.
  5. M

    Theists, how is it that so many different views claim to be certain of their

    Once one accepts Faith instead of Evidence, there is no end to how many things can be simultaneously true. Faith is the ability (more usually compulsion) to believe in things which are not true. It has infinite possibilities.
  6. M

    This country was founded on god, we must have forgotten about him, which is why

    The spiritual father of the United States - and the person who first used the term - was the English philosopher Tom Paine, who was an atheist. Paine was given a confiscated farm for his retirement by Thomas Jefferson, but once the colonial army had used Paine's ideas to justify their...
  7. M

    When Fox introduces Kirk Cameron as an expert?

    What is he an expert on?
  8. M

    As a Christian (or any other religion for that matter) what is your

    Gays are not my problem, maybe not anyone's problem. Homophobes will burn in Hell, so will all who despise His creation.
  9. M

    How would accepting God and religion benefit my life in any way?

    I don't think you have fully understood the purpose of loving God. You don't love God for Your benefit, you do it for His. (And Oral Roberts' of course).
  10. M

    How would accepting God and religion benefit my life in any way?

    I don't think you have fully understood the purpose of loving God. You don't love God for Your benefit, you do it for His. (And Oral Roberts' of course).