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  1. L

    Is Obama a "Fun President", or what? Is everyday going to be a New Laugh?

    And when the world doesn't come crumbling down in the next decade, boy are you gonna look stupid(er).
  2. L

    Why do men complain about feminists..?

    Because anytime there's a group that exists solely to represent a demographic that you don't belong to, they're always just drama queens. It works the same way in race relations. Whites resent the NAACP simply because they represent not whites. The same goes for feminism.
  3. L

    Do men who complain about signing up for selective service pussies who don't want to?

    What's with the return of all these questions? Is there a draft going on that I don't know about?
  4. L

    Obama approval trending downward-is this because we are seeing his true...

    It's amazing how republicans never put this much stalk in the approval ratings when Bush's were habitually in the 20's.
  5. L

    My gay christian friends have just gotten married?

    Those champagne glasses are a good idea. When two of my gay friends got married they also requested donations to pro-gay marriage causes to be made in their name.
  6. L

    What does an atheist's mind "look like"? How does it compare to what a

    Maybe one's chocolate and one's peanut butter?
  7. L

    Am I the only Satanic Christian?

    Maybe, but you're certainly not the only cop-out.
  8. L

    Do you think Barack Obama is the Anti christ......he has six letters in his

    My name has 8 letters. Does that have any significance that I should be aware of?
  9. L

    What's your current fashion style?

    I'm kinda into that bohemian thing at the moment. When I can afford it anyway. It's cute stuff, but you wouldn't believe how expensive it is to look like starving artist.
  10. L

    Christians: Why don't you rant over...(read below)?

    Blah, blah, blah...I don't rant over any of those things. I think that you're born with your sexuality, that God doesn't care what you do alone with your privates, that abortion is a necessary evil, and that God gave us freedom of choice for a reason. Stop generalizing about Christians. With...
  11. L

    What does the fact that there are academically intelligent people on both...

    ...ends of the spectrum say? Liberals and Conservatives. Atheists and Christians. There are Ph.D. holders on both sides of every argument. What does that say about the conclusiveness of any ideology? I would never down play the amount of intelligence that it takes to succeed in academia...
  12. L

    Did you check out alot of different religions before settling on your current one?

    I looked into a few different ideologies. Buddhism, Paganism, Deism and even Shinto after speaking with a Japanese friend of mine. There were things that I liked and agreed with in each of them which lead me to the conclusion that there is more than one right path.
  13. L

    Do you avoid ALL religions?

    Right, because if there's a sure sign that you've avoided being brainwashed, it's living with paranoia. You can't avoid all religions. You can choose not participate in them, but you'll always be aware of their existence.
  14. L

    If an individual not of your religion defended your religion, would you thank...

    Man, some people just can't take a compliment. That's like saying that white people had no right getting involved in the civil rights movement. It's stupidity.
  15. L

    Is there any assurance in religion that isn't just a feeling?

    Actually, neither Salvation or Blessings are feelings. They're tangible things. The implication here seems to be that feelings are unimportant though. They're not. You live your entire life based on feelings.
  16. L

    If critical thinking has led me and many others to the disbelief in modern...

    How about we do you one better and just ban free speech? That way you won't have to worry about all those stupid religious people being able to practice their beliefs without your infallible self talking down to them.
  17. L

    If critical thinking has led me and many others to the disbelief in modern...

    How about we do you one better and just ban free speech? That way you won't have to worry about all those stupid religious people being able to practice their beliefs without your infallible self talking down to them.