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  1. W

    how safe is bit-torrent?

    Hi:) Just realize it opens a port to your computer- unprotected even with internet security. It will also expose your IP address to others. And your computer will become part of the shared network for downloading for other computers unless you turn it off which limits your download speed big...
  2. W

    how safe is bit-torrent?

    Hi:) Just realize it opens a port to your computer- unprotected even with internet security. It will also expose your IP address to others. And your computer will become part of the shared network for downloading for other computers unless you turn it off which limits your download speed big...
  3. W

    ENV touch + bluetooth = internet = ?

    ok i have an env toch and a bluetooth enabled laptop and i have set both up to work fine little slow but fine. but now its not working right. it will log onto the internet for 3-8 minutes but then the internet stops working or at least the web page "can not be displaed" then i disconect the...
  4. W

    I want to cancel my verizon internet security anti virus. I need a telephone number?

    I am unable to use the antivirus because it makes the computer too slow. I wish to cancel do you have good and free antivirus?
  5. W

    should a stiched up finger have no feeling?

    wednesday i cut a dime size aria on my finger and the dr stiched it up and now i cant feel it is that normal