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  1. S

    If Christ descends from the sky, does that mean he's a meteor, or some...

    he falls from a plane And the lord jesus christ said to his people :I am Cornholio and I need TP for my Bunghole!" - holy bible
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    5-day family vacation this summer to chicago, places to visit?

    Navy Pier, Millenium Park, Sears or Hancock Towers observation decks, Lincoln Park and zoo, River walk, beaches, Lack front, Theater District, take an EL or Subway ride, etc
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    So, are there still people out there that argue that Kyle Orton is a good

    I am so happy Denver gave us Cutler for Orton lol. poor Denver
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    WHAT do you think bout roger goodell?

    He is taking football out of the NFL! It is sad but true, he is taking away everything that makes football, football. no wonder people call the NFL the No Football league, or the No fun league
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    Dallas Cowboy Jokes???

    They do not have a Quarterback who is in league with Satan like you do and that is why you are winning!
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    What do you think about my Week 15 2010 NFL Predictions?

    Bears win are you kidding did you watch them Sunday
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    So do christians see christ as only a symbol in the same way Satanists...

    Yes of course. They are both symbols. Christians relate to the symbol of Christ, and Satanists relate to the symbol of Satan. They are not real beings , just symbolic
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    You're Roger Goodell. What would you do about the incident in the Texans-Titans game

    nothing its called football. Bad enough they have taken football out of the game now and made it a girlie game
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    Can Roger Goodell pass an emergency mercy rule for the Cowboys tonight?

    he should do it now! this is too much!
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    Can Roger Goodell pass an emergency mercy rule for the Cowboys tonight?

    he should do it now! this is too much!
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    Can Roger Goodell pass an emergency mercy rule for the Cowboys tonight?

    he should do it now! this is too much!
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    Can Roger Goodell pass an emergency mercy rule for the Cowboys tonight?

    he should do it now! this is too much!
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    Can Roger Goodell pass an emergency mercy rule for the Cowboys tonight?

    he should do it now! this is too much!
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    What is your religion or your beliefs?

    Satanism, Satanic Bible, reality
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    WHY/HOW Are There So Many Religions?

    because humans keep creating them just like they create all gods
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    WHY/HOW Are There So Many Religions?

    because humans keep creating them just like they create all gods
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    Atheists, how do you feel about what the christians did during the witch...

    ...hunts, inquisitions, holy wars, Etc? I recently got some DVDs from my library which had programs about these events including documented records kept during the Salem witch hunts. It told in detail how the christians tortured and murdered inncocent women and children just because they were...
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    I just converted from Atheism To Christianity, were do I go to pick up my wand

    christians usually go to occult shops for that