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  1. W

    Fanatics of Christ, do you think Jesus wore a sword and rode a white charger...

    Peace, dear one. Don't let anything or any one divert you from the real purpose of your journey here on earth. If no one else is healing the sick, feeding the hungry, or giving justice to the wronged, that's our cue to pick up the tasks that they've dropped and do those things ourselves...
  2. W

    Is it haram to be a chef? because you cook with alcohol and pork. so please let me

    There was a case awhile back where a Muslim woman working at a Wal-Mart refused to even scan alcohol or pork products. Another checker would have to scan them so that the Muslim woman didn't have to touch them. Unless you are working in a restaurant where those things are never served, I have...
  3. W

    Christians, how does it feel being the laughing stock of the world?

    The next time that there's a tragedy or a disaster, maybe groups like the Salvation Army and Catholic Charities should stay at home and not offer any help to the victims. Somehow, I don't see the world laughing for very long.
  4. W

    I was thinking of leaving the SDA church and joining the Catholics, how do...

    Call your nearest Catholic Church and ask to speak to a priest about taking RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) classes. Just be prepared for the classic SDA response from your fellow SDA'ers when you leave. You know the one: Fade to black. . .and then they attack. (Ouch, and you 'd...
  5. W

    Can we please stop humoring the idiots?

    So there is only one acceptable viewpoint, and that is yours. Anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and should not be able to present their ideas and opinions in a public forum. Society must conform to your ideology, and those who don't should be silenced. Congratulations, my dear. . .der...
  6. W

    I have a severe anxiety disorder, why is it considered a sin for me to smoke weed

    I know at least two people who use prescribed pot for medical conditions, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Unfortunately, the law doesn't see it the same way: Zoloft is legal, and pot isn't. And in this case, the guy with the badge holds all the winning cards. Maybe one day...
  7. W

    How exactly isn't the Catholic religion a part of Christianity?

    That's only in the minds of certain fundamentalists and evangelical Protestants who, for reasons best left up to themselves, have decided that Catholics aren't Christians. It apparently has something to do with desperately trying to justify their own pew-jumping, tongues-babbling, off-the-wall...
  8. W

    What does the Catholic Church believe about other religions?

    The Catholic Church teaches that Protestants have a measure of the truth, but they are hampered in their spiritual walk by the lack of apostolic succession and the spiritual authority that it provides. They are still Christians, however, and can certainly go to Heaven. The Church also believes...