Search results

  1. S

    Who wants their future to be told?

    you are completely full of sh*t.
  2. S

    Any seers, Christian intuitives, or prophets who can answer?

    no. rose will be your true love.
  3. S

    Why don't people in R&S have a sense of humor?

    someone hurt your feelings? cry elsewhere.
  4. S

    Prophecy : Euphrates will become dry and will reveal a mountain of gold...

    did you know they flooded ancient indian sites when they built the hoover dam? they will say the same thing if they ever tear it down.
  5. S

    Bet you can't argue against this well:?

    what well? if you formed the question correctly, i would take this more seriously.
  6. S

    help please find boat ferry from alaska to seatle?

    i just looked up the info. you can do the same.
  7. S

    help please find boat ferry from alaska to seatle?

    i just looked up the info. you can do the same.
  8. S

    why are so many people afraid to pick up the phone and call someone?

    i see a ton of questions that could be answered by a quick phone call. has society regressed that far that they are afraid to communicate with another human?
  9. S

    Atheists, should I get a Hyundai or a Ford ?

    a new kia soul with the bumper sticker - just because i bought one doesn't mean i have one. that is what i am going to get. hyundai has better quality and is south korean, not japanese.
  10. S

    How do I keep my sanity at work when everyone insists on discussing their...

    a few options - don't eat lunch with them talk to hr or their boss ask them to submit empirical evidence of their god before discussing it two of them would work. one would probably get you killed.
  11. S

    Where can we vacation in or around New England (We live in CT), in the last

    plenty of places in maine open before may. try here: right on the beach and a package includes dinner. it depends on what you are looking to do. there are many others.
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    Tylenol 3 (codeine) question?

    why in singles and dating? plans?
  13. S

    Tylenol 3 (codeine) question?

    why in singles and dating? plans?
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    Have you travelled to different countries, whats the best?

    i have only been to 3 other countries. i really like canada.
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    swimming is religion when you're on the rocks?

    these are some lyrics from i song i just heard. what did you think?
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    How do i find contact details for the medium Barbara Lafferty, Rita Rogers sister?

    think about her and she will contact you.
  17. S

    How do i find contact details for the medium Barbara Lafferty, Rita Rogers sister?

    think about her and she will contact you.