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  1. D

    I thought Joe Miller believed in the democratic process, how come he is...

    He's been getting his whining lessons from Palin, who is giving him money to keep fighting Murkowski.
  2. D

    Liberals: Are you even defending Obama for his handling of this cruise ship

    You're kidding, right? Sounds like the time my mother-in-law had something stolen from her yard and she thought the police would come and take fingerprints. The president? Come back for a cruise ship? Ha ha ha ha ha ha
  3. D

    Was the 1958 Sci-Fi movie "The Blob" a metaphor for big government devouring

    No it was just a movie. I was only 6 and just the commercials for it had me scared at night.
  4. D

    How do you consummate a gay marriage?

    Why should anybody care what others do for their sexual pleasure? Nobody waits until they're married to have sex, so the consummation is irrelevant.
  5. D

    Do liberal still think people should not own Guns?

    No. I think everyone should be able to protect their home with a gun. There's a loaded 45 in my bedroom, put there by my more-liberal-than-me husband.
  6. D

    Did members of congress always boo and hiss during a presidential address or...

    The boos are pretty common, even before Bush. Part of the reason you don't remember is because before C-SPAN, we almost never heard or saw anything that went on in congress.
  7. D

    Have you thought about how you will argue with the Death Panel?

    Keep asking stuff like this and people will think you're as stupid as Sarah Palin - and that's STUPID
  8. D

    Should Dem Party dump Obama in 2012?

    why not wait a couple of years before even thinking about this - lots can happen before 2012 - if the economy turns around, as it appears that it will - Obama will be the hero and nobody will beat him
  9. D

    What is your definition of "a sense of humor"?

    being able to laugh at things that are silly, ironic, absurd and a whole lot of other stuff.
  10. D

    Which is more important to our current political leader: Style or substance?

    Substance - and compared to the last 8 years when the president had no style or substance, boy is it refreshing!
  11. D

    Which is more important to our current political leader: Style or substance?

    Substance - and compared to the last 8 years when the president had no style or substance, boy is it refreshing!
  12. D

    Which is more important to our current political leader: Style or substance?

    Substance - and compared to the last 8 years when the president had no style or substance, boy is it refreshing!
  13. D

    Which is more important to our current political leader: Style or substance?

    Substance - and compared to the last 8 years when the president had no style or substance, boy is it refreshing!
  14. D

    Politics/Government: Could you survive in the forest? Hunting you own food?

    I don't know what those things have to do with politics, but no, I can't do those things. But my husband probably can.
  15. D

    why is america so cullable to believe what they post on the internet?

    It's gullible - but you're right about the rest.
  16. D

    why do celebrities never have to do 'jury duty' ?

    how do you know they don't serve?
  17. D

    newfags can't gameboy?

    Now I KNOW I'm old - I don't even know what this means - what does it have to do with politics?
  18. D

    Is anyone else in the Politics section sick of the immaturity on both sides...

    I agree with you, but if you think it's bad here, go look at the Religion and Spirituality section