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    Did The UNDERTAKER ever Fight MMA?

    "Calaway is also an avid mixed martial arts fan and has attended several Ultimate Fighting Championship shows."
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    Hey , I got beat up by a girl from my karate training, what to do now?

    You know why she did that right? Because every time she goes to spar a guy, he goes easy on her, and she probably hates that. So she decided that she wasn't going to go easy on them, so she would force you to not go easy on her. Next time you see her, ask to spar with her. Don't go easy on...
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    Is there any mma gym close to san francisco ca?

    Do you not know how to use google??
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    how long does it take to advance belts in karate?

    if all you care about is the belt, go buy one. If you want to learn karate, then forget about the belts. best advice anyone can give you
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    MMA lessons in New Jersey...?

    i think you know how to use google.
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    Which martial arts do you need to know to compete in MMA?

    no specific one, you need a stand up game, and a ground game. thats where you get to decide. You can do wrestling or BJJ for a ground game, boxing, muay thai, are usually pretty popular. i wouldn't recomend TKD
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    Getting trained by UFC Fighters?

    I think it would be awesome if you could be trained by UFC fighters. Thiago Silva is my favorite, he trains at American Top Team, do you think if I ever went down there, offered to pay him of course, or anyone else for that matter thats a UFC fighter if he could work with me? Has anyone ever...
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    Do Martial Artists hate MMA fans or MMA fighters or both?

    the white oni dude is an idiot. there are martial artists, and there are fighters. MMA fighters guessed it! fighters. A good example is the end of karate kid. When Daniel and that boy from kobra kai are fighting at the end. The sensai of kobra kai tells his student to sweep...
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    Your most hated MMA fighter?

    Lesnar and Penn
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    Is it possible to effectively teach yourself karate from a dvd?

    of course, thats how the ancient chinese masters learned it centuries ago.
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    Is it possible to effectively teach yourself karate from a dvd?

    of course, thats how the ancient chinese masters learned it centuries ago.
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    How many years of training before becoming MMA fighter?

    most places i hear of say that you need at LEAST 6 months of training before you can ever enter the ring. I'd personally recommended a year or 2 years of training. Some places are different, most places i've gone to cost about $125 a month! I was lucky to find one that cost $35 a month. Shop...
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    Electronic Cigarette?

    I'm not a huge smoker, but I appreciate smoking. Like I bought an old man style pipe, just to see what it was like smoking it. Cigars and hookah's too. It's more of a social thing for me. I'm not addicted to cigarettes by any means. And I tried an electronic cigarette at the mall and thought it...
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    I need to know some martial arts moves.?

    damn you sound really immature. Go to any Dojo with that attitude and they will kick you out immidietly. Martial Arts are a way of learning discipline, respect for the arts, and learning how to DEFEND yourself, not go beating up other people. You can't learn on the need to...
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    Things to look fo when evaluating a Karate Dojo? For Karate Instructors and...

    I don't think MMA is strictly a sport style. I think BJJ is. But have him go to a place that teaches MMA and Jui Jujitsu which is a combat style. I think MMA is one of the most real world applicable styles. Karate is good if you want to learn the basics, but I think he runs the risk of learning...
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    mixed martial arts: how to handle this specific type of fight?

    damn he's fat. im 5'8 and i weigh 200 and im still fat lol. i find that hard to believe that its all muscle, so i'd just focus on striking, don't take it to the ground, if you get knocked on the ground, get up and keep it up
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    What is this movie help?

    So, i'm watching adult swim, and this movie is on....i had no idea why, it wasn't funny at all, it seemed cheesy. But it was this dude with long black hair, he had a thich accent....he had his blonde girlfriend, she falls in love with their friend, the mom is trying to convince her to stay with...
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    would i regret a tattoo of che guevara on my shoulder sometime in the future?

    I'm asking myself the same question. i use to be a communist, and I had planned on getting a Che tattoo. I'm no longer a communist...but I still see Che as a symbol, of the just has to do with what values you hold....get it for the right reasons, don't do it because he's cool, get...