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    Is there a religion devoted to numbers?

    LOL. Numerology? That's not so much a religion as a means of divination, though.
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    Atheists: Can you give me examples of your "Witty" humor?

    I'm too full from dinner right now. Ask me again in an hour.
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    did evolution make such funny mistakes ?

    Mutations are not mistakes, as there is no invisible hand guiding evolution. Some mutations are beneficial, some are harmful, and many are of no consequence whatsoever.
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    Thomas Szasz argues that mental illness is neither mental nor an illness.

    This may be true in some cases, but certainly does not apply in cases like brain tumors and schizophrenia.
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    Doesn't atheism cause problems, not religion?

    Dictatorships, totalitarian states and fascism cause problems. Please do not confuse forms of government with lack of belief in deities.
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    Does Islam & Judaism tolerate Agnostics similar to Christianity?

    None of my muslim or jewish friends and associates have ever expressed any issues with my atheism. Neither have my christian friends, but the same cannot be said for my christian associates and family members. None of my pagan friends have a problem with it either. Maybe I just have really open...
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    Atheists and Christians: Do you know anyone who is perfect? Do you think of

    Perfection isn't the point of life. However, if someone is going to place themselves in the position of self-imposed moral compass, they'd best not be a hypocrite.
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    what do you believe the laws regarding religion and public schools

    No administration led worship, prayer or religious teachings. Voluntary, student led prayer, etc. is fine. At least that's what it is in the US.
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    Why do Atheists feel the need to argue with Deists & Theists?

    So long as a theist or deist is not trying to make their dogma into laws for me to follow or have it taught as fact in my kids school, I have no argument with them. Many take their religion way too far, though, and I am speaking out for that reason.
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    I'm a lover and tenderer of Jesus Christ?

    Tenderizer? Is delicious, but please don't bbq Jesus.
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    Should Pastor Jones be allowed to meet with the iman in NYC?

    If the Imam wants to meet with him, he'll meet with him. If I was the Imam, I'd take a "no negotiations with terrorists" approach in regard to Pastor Jones and his stupid threats, but maybe that is because I don't believe that anyone who resorts to childish threats and tantrums should be given...
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    Religion is necessary to keep us in line?

    Religion in general is not about peace, it is about controlling the masses, and I've got news for you. I have no religion, and I am anything but instinctively "bad."
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    Isn't man's existence Gods great big sense of humor at work?

    Yeah, eyeball eating parasites are really, really funny. So is ebola. If the G-man exists, he's an a$$hole.
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    Is it true that if you don't do nothing God won't?

    We all have to help ourselves. No deities required.
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    Atheists, what is your interesting topic? you are labelled atheists.

    I rather like weather, books and astronomy.
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    if jesus was also a profit, has any of his prophecies come to be..?

    Prophet: someone who makes predictions Profit: what you get when you make extra money
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    Spiritually speaking Don't you find it hypicritcal when the Atheist ask and...

    I never get tired of reading atheist questions!
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    Christians, 62 foot tall Jesus statue struck by lightning?

    Thor commands that you have no other gods before him. Thor will smite your Jesus statue.