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  1. C

    Have you ever complained because you got a violation notice & actually got

    No, i gave up on it. Once i got a violation for asking about "real Christmas trees" i got a violation for "Insulting other members" I appealed it more than once but it kept telling me that it could not go through or some bullshit like that.
  2. C

    Who names their kids "Adolph Hitler" and "Aryan Nation"?

    Other than this guy.
  3. C

    What do you think of this tribute to Miles "tails" Prower?
  4. C

    What do you think of this tribute to Miles "tails" Prower?
  5. C

    Do you remember when the NWO conspiracy theorists were saying the UN was going...

    ah yes, what would we do if we did not have conspiracy theorists as a source for cheap entertainment?
  6. C

    Why is it that conspiracy theorists never go out in public to baseball games?

    or football games, or to places where the vast majority of people do not agree with him. zenmeist- I do go to Baseball games :) What's that zenmeist? Only a 22 game plan? I would have thought that somebody who can afford to live in Los Angeles would surely carry season tickets. :)
  7. C

    Should 9/11 conspiracy theorists compare the belly of flight 175 to the

    belly of a UNITED AIRLINES 767....? instead of anyother 767 which is commonly painted all white. I am sure they will see their "Missile", and "strange anomalies"...
  8. C

    Poll: should 9/11 conspiracy theorists remember Newton's first law of motion.?

    "An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." The area of the WTC below the impacts was not a solid unit and therefore could not resist as a solid unit. Whereas...
  9. C

    True or False? Conspiracy theorists are as smart as these people signing a...

    ...petition to ban water? I say they definitely are. Especially the 9/11 conspiracy theorists.
  10. C

    Doesn't this remind you of what it is like in the Yahoo Answers politics section?
  11. C

    Will we be seeing any more Killer 9/11 conspiracy theorists?

    2008 was a banner year for this cult. It started when one of their members in a subgroup from New York beat up an 18 year old girl in a wheel chair simply because she was a fan of Laura Bush. That went unmatched until one of their members in a subgroups from Colorado killed his own father...
  12. C

    Will the Obama administration meet a similar fate?
  13. C

    Do you like this satire that bashes 9/11 conspiracy theories? waas up- nope it is a bash on the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11.
  14. C

    Do you like Conspiracy Buster 2.0?

    btw, I had to ask this question in the third person, otherwise it would not go through.
  15. C

    What do you think of this bit of political humor trashing 9/11 conspiracy...

    ...theories.....? lol, i dont know if anybody has seen it, but it is hilarious. :)
  16. C

    WHy is it that conspiracy theorists dont do any research?

    take the recent mandarin hotel fire in Madrid that left the building standing. That building was supported by steel that was concrete reinforced. Therefore the concrete around the steel absorbed the heat and prevented its collapse. The WTC did not have concrete reinforced anything. ALso the...
  17. C

    Would you say this is a good website for revealing the lies and distortions of

    9/11 conspiracy theorists? why are you people afraid of truth? do the research yourself. Crazy-Well my life as an informed american with critical thinking and research ability, as well as my knowledge of building construction and controlled demolition...
  18. C

    Are conspiracy theorists really dumb enough to believe there was thermate... the twin towers? IF there was thermate it would have caused the buildings to collapse withen a few seconds of the plane hitting. Second of all thermate does not cut at an angle. The picture they claim is "proof" was taken during cleanup. also, buildings like the world trade center are...
  19. C

    Should 9/11 conspiracy theorists be locked up in an asylum?

    Where they cant hurt anyone else ever again? First of all they are extremely militaristic as it is. One of them beat up an 18 year old girl in a wheel chair simply because she was a fan of Laura Bush. (Thankfully her father kicked his ass). Another one stabbed his father to death in his...
  20. C

    WHy cant 9/11 conspiracy theorists do real research?

    "With the fiery inferno of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel (MOH) in Beijing on February 9, 2009, the obvious point of comparison is with World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7) on September 11, 2001. Yes, the buildings were very similar in size, and in some ways in construction. Their heights were comparable...