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  1. C

    Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

    He gave me a mini-van. I'm learning to live with it. .
  2. C

    Atheists/Agnostics, if it weren't for organized religion, do you think you'd

    No. I admit that the lunatic acts carried out in the name of one religion or another add to my distaste for the concept of god, but I don't believe in god for one very simple reason: There is no evidence supporting it. .
  3. C

    Why do those that denyy Christ in other religions covet God's Blessings...

    Ummm.... That would be wishful thinking on the part of the Christians in question. Many Christians can admit that those of other faiths or no faith live rich, full lives and hold no envy at all. .
  4. C

    Why would you choose to attend or teach at a Catholic college and then...

    You know, I had a friend who did that... Went to a Catholic Uni here in Buffalo and b*tched about the crucifixes on the wall. She made the choice to go there... In my opinion, that negated her right to complain about it. .