Search results

  1. C

    What do feed gold fish and what kind of water do you put them in?

    They will be scared and stressed out from all the excitement. It will take them a day or two to adjust. Fish need fish food to survive.. but other "treats" would be blood worms, meal worms, ect. ( You can find these a pet/fish store ) And they need to go in room temp. water. Fill their bowl...
  2. C

    how many fish can I fit?

    Take your tank... Clean it... and then put fresh water in it with a heater and a filter ( for tropicals ) Then I recommend putting these fish together Serpae Tetra Red Eye Tetra Zebra Danio L.F. Zebra Danio Gourami Id suggest at the MOST 4-5 fish for you are supposed to have 1-2 gallons for...
  3. C

    My Fish Keeps Trying To Commit Suicide ...?

    Bettas are natural jumpers. In the wild they like to jump out of their natural waters. Hes not "depressed" or anything else, it's just instinct. I've only had this happen to me once. It was with a female Betta that I no longer have. She jumped out of her tank. I found her later. She was crusty...
  4. C

    Would you still buy from this fish store?

    Yes I would still but from this store. Just because they returned them doesnt garuntee they are sick. They may just have realized they didnt want them... didnt have room for them.... OR maybe their other fish did not get along with them... or they fought amongst themselves. So I would still buy...