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  1. I

    "Most tolerant and open-minded Christian and Atheist of R&S Award". To whom

    Liberal Asskicker of course. Never seen a better example of a Christian. Hit Pig for the atheists.
  2. I

    I'm not really a religious person, but has anyone noticed some bible

    Internet and global 24 hour news networks make it seem like all of these things are happening more. In fact they really are not. It is just reported on more. If you look up earthquakes for example we are actually having less than the average in the last 20 years.
  3. I

    Atheists, some fools among you say Jesus Christ even did not exist at all;...

    Paul did. It was made popular by Constantine and the reason for that was control and power. Much the same reason most religion is propagated. You do not know much of history obviously. Islam was not founded until hundreds of years after Christianity. Yet in a short 1400 years it has grown to...
  4. I

    Why do people think that in the story of "Noah's Ark" that the Noah...

    ...character was only on his boat for 40 days? And, how long does it take an olive bush to grow large enough to produce a leaf? As obviously in a flood of that magnitude it is almost impossible that any olive bushes/trees could have lived. I ask this because it is a lot easier (although still...
  5. I

    Atheists: Is Everard G always on the internet?

    You must always be on too if you are noticing this.