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  1. D

    lesbian: Approaching someone who may be straight or not.?

    Just be honest. You are both of an age where you don't need to dance around the issues.
  2. D

    Do you believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead?

    No, on account of 15 wasted years of belief without ANY justification.
  3. D

    I introduced my wife to my colleagues and I was told to "Get out of here!"?

    That sort of age difference does tend to make you both a joke.
  4. D

    why are people such nazis about cigarettes?

    My objection is that I don't want to smell stinky breath, stinky clothes and stinky smoke.
  5. D

    Have you heard of these fulfilled prophecies?

    Not as hard as one who refuses to understand that these vague and widely interpreted verses were written after the fact. We already know that the NT was written generations after the death of jesus. Psalms predicting the death of jesus... Or a religious nut reading the psalm and making sure...
  6. D

    To all anti-christians out there?

    I don't hate christians - I hate religion. Hate the flaw, not the misguided.
  7. D

    We know what is moral even not basing them on religions, but when can an act be

    Laws deal with enforcement of rights (largely) but morality comes from the other side of desire to do right. That is why there is often a big difference between the two. The problem comes when people fail to realise that laws and morality are only loosely related. Specifically gay marriage is...
  8. D

    We know what is moral even not basing them on religions, but when can an act be

    Laws deal with enforcement of rights (largely) but morality comes from the other side of desire to do right. That is why there is often a big difference between the two. The problem comes when people fail to realise that laws and morality are only loosely related. Specifically gay marriage is...
  9. D

    What is it that makes people believe in religion.?

    Religion fills the part of our minds that is holds uncertainty - fills but does not answer. This doesn't mean anything about religion except that people believe in it. It is not a 'god shaped hole in your heart', it is a desire shaped hole in your mind. I object to your use of the word...
  10. D

    Would there really be peace without Religion?

    Look at all the wars that have been and are being fought in the name of religion. Enough said.
  11. D

    Am I supposed to tip Verizon FIOS installers?

    You are supposed to tip absolutely everyone who does anything for you, and it doesn't make a difference if they are extremely well paid and do a shoddy job. To not tip would be the height of bad manners and you will be ostracised and cast out of society by your peers if you don't. Sarcasm...
  12. D

    How do I talk to people on the internet?

    Make yourself a list of things you might want to talk about ahead of time, or surf and talk about what you see.
  13. D

    Why would you choose to attend or teach at a Catholic college and then...

    You try to spin the article. It is actually about the summary decision to install sect-specific crucifixes to replace the 'generic' crosses they already had. While the college can do pretty much what they want, I would also question why they would choose to do such a controversial and...
  14. D

    Spiritually speaking, Xbox 360 or PS3?

    PC. I've never got used to dual analog thumbstick controls. However, the PS3 is amazingly noisy for such a small machine, which would be a big minus for me.