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  1. P

    If we're in the last days, do you see this prophecy being fulfilled? (about the

    sweetie even th e mormons gave me a list of things that had to be restored before the second comign and none of these things on that list has happen yet, the 12 tribes are still in hiding. That kist is still in UT in my hope chest. I wish I could see it so I could list them for ya.
  2. P

    Anyone know where I can watch "Big Love" on the internet?

    I want to see the endowment ceremony on T.V. tonight. Thanks.
  3. P

    What are they?!?!?!?!?!?

    nede release, pressure, hint, hint.
  4. P

    Are anti-abortionists killing more babies by practicing their religion than the...

    arn't you glad you weren't aborted so you can rant and rave.