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  1. B

    Do you think there are a lot of bisexual people out there?

    there are 14 bisexual people out there
  2. B

    Would you pick up arms to save the US for Mexico?

    no, i always love answering questions from head in the sand types
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    Caffeine free diet coke?

    i think you need extensive help if you are saying diet coke is tasty. anyway, you need to wean yourself off and suffer through 2-3 days of hell to kick the caffeine habit. and choose water as opposed to fake, fake coca cola. by the way diet coke drinkers are known to eat more than water drinkers.
  4. B

    smart a**SS JOKES<<<JUST SOME dumb jokes..?

    I got one... Obama walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulders. The bartender says "Hey, where'd you get that?" The parrot says "I got him in Kenya"
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    Poll: Would you break up with your girlfriend for having sex with a black guy?

    Who cares. Good for him for doing what's best for him. Being Politically correct is for losers.
  6. B

    is eric cartman bisexual?

    i think chef had large sticky chocolate balls to offer him as well
  7. B

    I feel like Im a gay boy stuck in a girls body. help?

    yes there's a niche for your type, it's not a large quantity but once they find you, you'll have followers desiring you
  8. B

    What do you say to a teacher that says the internet is a fad?

    she hasn't seen internet porn yet
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    Any rumors of ancient treasure hidden anywhere on earth?

    yes under my house i have a treasure trove of unmentionable things that some would classify as treasure
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    WHY is Hollywood so racist? I mean cmon what's the deal?

    Asians aren't useless, they make nice food and launder my shirts well
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    Would the "palestinians" still be whining for Israel if it was the barren desert

    no its merely jealousy on their part, seeing that israelis don't have to sift through dust to get their meager scraps of whatever
  12. B

    Would the "palestinians" still be whining for Israel if it was the barren desert

    no its merely jealousy on their part, seeing that israelis don't have to sift through dust to get their meager scraps of whatever
  13. B

    why do people complain about taxes so much?

    because people see lots of money leaving, with nothing they can see in front of them to show for it
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    Why don't those who hate our President and hate America pack up and leave

    i didn't leave when moron Bush was in charge.....
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    The next time Obama travels to Iraq will it be our fine military throwing

    well can your foul shoes be thrown to self?
  16. B

    Republicans nominated what most of them (Rush included) called a RINO so why...

    because they only know how to complain, and not how to lead
  17. B

    Atheists, if you had to choose to follow one of these 3 religions, which one...

    If I had to publicly, it would be Judiasm, but privately I'd be thinking that was a load of crap too.