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  1. P

    Getting a new cell phone from verizon. Already on a plan.?

    You'll need to pay the higher price. The "New plan" price is only available when your contact finishes (and you want to start a new one). You could save money and buy a used Verizon phone on eBay.
  2. P

    Keep Verizon $15 data plan when switching phones?

    I currently have an original Motorola Droid with Verizon and I'm paying $15/month for 150MB data. I'm tired of the Droid, so today I went to a Verizon store and wanted to buy a new smart phone at full price (Incredible 2) without restarting my contract, but the rep told me I would have to...
  3. P

    Is symbian slowly dying?

    It's not slowly dying, it's already dead. Symbian was developed by Nokia, and recently Nokia decided to stop using it in all their future products and use Windows Phone 7 instead. So once the current Nokia phones that use Symbian are no longer on the market (and phones don't have a long shelf...
  4. P

    Attention all you twilight lovers :]?

    hello stephenie meyer freaks, me and my friend spoofed twilight, you like? (and i was kidding about the freaks part. but maybe not :p)