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  1. V

    If you can solve this your a legend?

    Oil Petrol Diesel ?!
  2. V

    Whats The Funniest Joke?

    I GOT 27 STARS FOR MY JOKE........ SO IT'SVERY FUNNY..... HERE'S THE LINK YOU CAN VOTE: IN THE NEXT 40 MINS.;_ylt=AnA999rv6eHZGdy_Rs0OCATty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090206164635AAxxOkV Your Undecided Question Show me another » A JOKE ABOUT WOMEN...? It's just a...
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    HELP!!!???(250 pts.)?

    How Is It Possible To Give Someone 250 Points?!?!?!?!
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    Poll:what Is The Last Thing You Bought.?

    What? Why? Where? When? With Whom? Was It Good? How Much It Cost?
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    Need help with a Riddle...?

    The Conclusion Is That No Composers Are Thieves?!
  6. V

    Which is a better punchline?

    A Is The Funniest Of All @@@@@@@@@@@@@
  7. V

    This Made Me Laugh Tonight..............?

    Make sure you get every single word right! Read the following passage and then scroll down for further instructions at the end. Read loudly to yourself now read:- This is this cat This is is cat This is how cat This is to cat This is keep cat This is a cat This is fool cat This is busy cat...
  8. V

    POLL :photos included Top 10 Ugliest Female Celebrities?

    do you agree or disagree?
  9. V

    For the loser in all of us?

    he he he.......
  10. V

    For the loser in all of us?

    he he he.......
  11. V

    Have you been enjoying six inches in the back yard this week?

    lol...... a nice way to ask a question.... i'm not in england, but i have been enjoying the six inches here where i am..... i love making snow men, in different shapes, and i love winter.... plus, we have had a lot more snow here.... and where i am can stay a secret. lol.
  12. V

    Have you been enjoying six inches in the back yard this week?

    lol...... a nice way to ask a question.... i'm not in england, but i have been enjoying the six inches here where i am..... i love making snow men, in different shapes, and i love winter.... plus, we have had a lot more snow here.... and where i am can stay a secret. lol.
  13. V

    i have a riddle whoever figures it out i will give 10 pts to?

    THIS IS INTERESTING. THE ANSWER IS 12 YRS OLD SHE IS 12 NOW IN TWO YRS 14 5 yrs ago 7 to every one who says 8, it's not 8 lol :) cause if she is 8 now, then 5 yrs ago she would've been 3yrs old, and in 2 yrs 10... and 10 is not twice as 3 :) :) :)
  14. V

    ????? Answer Pleaaassseee!!!?

    what's what?! i don't understand?! i don't get it?!
  15. V

    Easy 10 pts. riddle, its not that hard?

    He He... It's Funny !!!
  16. V

    Which celebrities do we look like?

    None That I Know Of?! I Don't Look Like A Celebrity Either... But Who Cares.... You Are Both Cute :)
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    Are you related to or friends with any celebrities?

    I Wish ?! Lol!!! :)
  18. V

    Men Vs. Women Funny Funny It?!?

    Men vs. Women Some subtle (and some not so subtle) differences Handwriting: Men: To their credit, men do not decorate their penmanship. They just chicken-scratch. Women: Women use scented, colored stationery and they dot the "i" with circles or hearts. Women use ridiculously large loops in the...
  19. V

    This Is A Very Funny Joke... About A Young Couple.?

    Attitudes A young couple, just married, were in their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they undressed for bed, the husband, who was a big burly man, tossed his pants to his bride and said, "here put these on." She put them on, and the waist was twice the size of her body. "I can't...