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  1. C

    If gay marriage is supposed to bring a country/society to it's knees then why

    hasn't it done so? For Denmark, Norway, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, South Africa, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Mexico City, Finland, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, New Zealand? And what about the states that have legalized it here in the US? New Hampshire...
  2. C

    Isn't it a sin to gossip?

    If so, then why do so many Church folks do it? "Did you hear about what that trollop did with Mr. Baker in the back alley behind the mall? Disgracful!" "I hear she's pregnant and wants to get an abortion! Sinful little trollop! If only they could be as prestine and sinless as we are!" @Jesus...
  3. C

    Do you think religion should play a role in social, political, and economical...

    ...matters? Even if not all of us subscribe to said religion and it has negative effects on a lot of people? @The Vindicator, Calm your horses! I'm merely asking if people actually believe this is what we need, I'm not saying that I support such an idea.
  4. C

    Are the people who are tough on people who perform "sodomy" as tough on people

    Are the people who are tough on people who perform "sodomy" as tough on people who smoke? One of the idiotic arguments against homosexuality is the generalization that ALL gay men have 'back door sex'. (I hope I don't need to remind everyone that not EVERY gay man on this planet is into that...
  5. C

    Why do Jesus freaks think they know everything?

    Because they think their little book does, therefore they believe they do. Which they don't.
  6. C

    I'm I going to hell if I don't believe that Jesus Christ is my lord and savior?

    According to some of our loving and compassionate Christian brethren, you ARE!!! :D Though I personally believe you aren't, mostly because I don't believe in hell. Bleh...
  7. C

    Is it rude to burst out laughing everytime you see someone type with horribly

    bad grammar? For example, people who type like this: "lik ZOMG!!!1!1!! ewww u r lik...soooo ghhheeyy!!!" "ZOMG i totaly luv justin bieber & mily cyrus i tink theyy shood be a cupple!111!!!!1" Everytime I see people who type stuff like that I burst out in hysterical laughter and my husband...
  8. C

    Do some men gossip with their friends about other men just like some women do?

    My husband was talking to me today about a group of men at his work who would often sit around the break room table and gossip like little high school girls about other men and even some women. Saying things like "Seriously, I think he's a f a g." and "He needs to lose weight." and "I heard he...
  9. C

    Would the religious right object to a lesbian couple and a gay couple raising a

    Well since I'm sick and tired of repeating myself, I'll just say I know from watching with my two eyes that a gay couple can raise a good and decent home. Telling someone they can't raise a family just because they are gay is like telling someone they can't raise a family just because they...
  10. C

    Who here has been hurt by religion?

    *raises hand* I prefer not to go into detail though....
  11. C

    Hello I'm a Christian but wants to marry an Atheist?

    Too bad, I'm already taken. ;P
  12. C

    Gay and Christian, how can this be possible?

    Wow, could you sound more condescending? This all goes back to that silly little fabricated idea that "homosexuality = immoral". Just because one is gay, doesn't mean they are amoral. Just like how being a Christian doesn't make you moral.
  13. C

    Why are there so many mean people in the religion section?

    Jordan is right, the Politics section is bully central!!! The people in that section are the most insensitive bitterly sarcastic mean spirited cold blooded people I've ever had the unfortunate event of speaking to.
  14. C

    Has it ever occured to anyone that gay people might actually 'LOVE' each other?

    Rather than the typical stereotypical idea that they only, ahem, 'LUST' after each other?? I know gay couples that have been together for YEARS, my mother is friends with a gay couple who have been together for 25 years and raised two classy well-mannered heterosexual children (two twins, a...
  15. C

    Has it ever occured to anyone that gay people might actually 'LOVE' each other?

    Rather than the typical stereotypical idea that they only, ahem, 'LUST' after each other?? I know gay couples that have been together for YEARS, my mother is friends with a gay couple who have been together for 25 years and raised two classy well-mannered heterosexual children (two twins, a...
  16. C

    Has it ever occured to anyone that gay people might actually 'LOVE' each other?

    Rather than the typical stereotypical idea that they only, ahem, 'LUST' after each other?? I know gay couples that have been together for YEARS, my mother is friends with a gay couple who have been together for 25 years and raised two classy well-mannered heterosexual children (two twins, a...
  17. C

    Has it ever occured to anyone that gay people might actually 'LOVE' each other?

    Rather than the typical stereotypical idea that they only, ahem, 'LUST' after each other?? I know gay couples that have been together for YEARS, my mother is friends with a gay couple who have been together for 25 years and raised two classy well-mannered heterosexual children (two twins, a...
  18. C

    Has it ever occured to anyone that gay people might actually 'LOVE' each other?

    Rather than the typical stereotypical idea that they only, ahem, 'LUST' after each other?? I know gay couples that have been together for YEARS, my mother is friends with a gay couple who have been together for 25 years and raised two classy well-mannered heterosexual children (two twins, a...
  19. C

    Has it ever occured to anyone that gay people might actually 'LOVE' each other?

    Rather than the typical stereotypical idea that they only, ahem, 'LUST' after each other?? I know gay couples that have been together for YEARS, my mother is friends with a gay couple who have been together for 25 years and raised two classy well-mannered heterosexual children (two twins, a...
  20. C

    Has it ever occured to anyone that gay people might actually 'LOVE' each other?

    Rather than the typical stereotypical idea that they only, ahem, 'LUST' after each other?? I know gay couples that have been together for YEARS, my mother is friends with a gay couple who have been together for 25 years and raised two classy well-mannered heterosexual children (two twins, a...