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  1. S

    Are republicans hypocrites complaining about pork and ear marks?

    Republican and Hypocrisy are virtually synonymous. If this isn't immediately apparent, God save us all.
  2. S

    Has anyone tried to make "Nazi Crank" recipe on the internet- my A.A.D.D....

    Has anyone tried to make "Nazi Crank" recipe on the internet- my A.A.D.D.... ...meds are becoming crazy expensive? I used to get Dexedrine spansules for about one fourth the price before Bush, not that there is necessarily a connection but I doubt that there isn't one. This is a doctor's...
  3. S

    Can any Republican name a foreign country which meets their specifications?

    I mean if America is so hopelessly dysfunctional, which it may be, where else would you rather live if not here- it must be somewhere else? Name any country in which one does not need to be accompanied by a body guard or chauffeured in a bullet proof vehicle. One in which you pay fewer taxes for...
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    Is a Conservative basically a Liberal going through a Mid-Life Crisis?

    Let me guess- Churchill was well beyond the age of forty when he said that. PS, you forgot the Heartless Part. If your going to quote do so accurately.
  5. S

    Why do democrats complain about money then vote democrats into office

    What taxes so far, prey tell? Is not paying your credit card debts some kind of Republican ideal? I don't understand, please explain.
  6. S

    Why doesn't Harley Davidson build a kick ass XR 1200?

    Not referring to that bolt on abortion designed for the European market. I mean Dual carbs, forward facing exhaust, etc, like they did in '83? There is such a demand, even a bolt on kit would be hugely well received. They didn't sell well then because people were too blown away by obscenely fast...