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  1. S

    Best FREE Game Apps For Android?

    Burning Sand 3 and 250+ Solitaire are staples in my "Game" folder, but then I'm relatively easy to entertain.
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    Poll: Who hit each other more? Mother or father?

    Was your mother or your father more violent? This song is about domestic violence: --> Dad I've come back (?.???, Ba, wo hui lai le) English translation of song...
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    Help me solve this riddle?

    There is no extra dollar. The three men paid $30 for a room. The manager realized that the room only ought to have cost them $25, so he sent the bellhop back with $5 to be returned to them. Out of the original $30, here's where it all went: Kept by motel: $25 Stolen by...
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    pokemon black & white. where can i find the full comic of this?
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    who sang automatic introduction .. it's an electronic ...?

    I don't know if it's a European artist.I heard it in 1987
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    what is the name of a science fiction story in which there is a line let there be

    light in the end? it is about creation of the universe by god and i read it in a science fiction collection but i do not remember the name of the book or author
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    *Dealing with a MAMA'S BOY?? what to say to him when he WHINES-- Advice please.*?

    Sorry to break it to you, but it's not his mom's fault, it's his. While her behavior toward him while he was growing up will make it harder for him, it's all on him to be a man. You won't change him. He'll need to loose a few girlfriends before that will happen. You should tell him though...
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    Do all blue ray players hook up to Netflix?

    No, only the 2.0 version Blu-ray players do. Notice I wrote only the 2.0 version Blu-ray players, not the upgradeable 1.1 to 2.0 (via software downloadable) Blu-ray players.
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    Spiritually speaking, If you set a bag of flaming poo on someones doorstep and rang

    How's that spiritually speaking? Also, how can you be speaking on Yahoo Answers? You are writing, not speaking.
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    what are some good bluerays i shoud watch or what is your favorite blueray?

    i just got a ps3 and the blueryay rocks
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    a bluetooth question?

    can you give me free sites that will work with magic bluetooth and messanger bluetooth i have tried many sites but java virtual machine launcher says: Failed to load main-class manifest from my computer file. how can i get it to work??BTW im on dell vista
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    a bluetooth question?

    can you give me free sites that will work with magic bluetooth and messanger bluetooth i have tried many sites but java virtual machine launcher says: Failed to load main-class manifest from my computer file. how can i get it to work??BTW im on dell vista
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    Did anyone saw Star Trek movie?

    it is a nice movie,
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    about my IPhone, help!?

    well apple did their best to keep the iphone from being unlocked so I would suggest trying to reset it and if that doesn't work you can always unlock it again your self: or you can buy this to unlock it...
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    Why do so many people in the fashion section criticise Walmart clothing?

    Here's how I look at it, I could lie, tell you I bought this shirt at the mall and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. There is a lot of nice quality clothing at Walmart that you think came from an expensive designer store in the mall. Walmart sells quite a few nice graphic tshirts for...
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    How do I connect my Acer Aspire 5315-2698 to the wired internet?

    I just bought my laptop and I can't go on the internet using my home internet connection. I use broadband. I plug the Ethernet cable into my laptop but it doesn't connect to the internet. Is there something that I need to configure on my laptop? What can I do?
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    Why Israel is blaming Iran for supplying weapons to Hammas.. has'nt it done herself

    ''the same'' many times? ? e.g Iran - Iraq war, India - Pakistan - Afghanistan war ......... and many more could be quoted from their History