Search results

  1. M

    What was the most interesting thing that happened to you today?

    I woke up... and that's about it. 0: Lol, just kidding, but your day sounded fun, ima try that one day.
  2. M

    Poll: Do you have a life.....?

    I'm here, aren't I?
  3. M

    Which satellite service has the best international lineup? Dish Network or Direct TV?

    As a user of both and hearing about you, I'd definitely choose Dish Network. A user of Dish Network for about 6 years and I really do recommend Dish Network. I am also into international stuff and local American stuff and sports. It has great coverage and low prices and different options...
  4. M

    Do you pay for long distance if you have unlimited text?

    Say if I was in one city and I texted my friend in another city.... Does it depend on the plan? If so, which would be best?
  5. M

    How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

    I was 5 when I learned how to bike and swim.
  6. M

    What would you do if you ever met a celebrity that you were a fan of?

    1) Resist the urge to scream and tackle them. (In a loving way of course) 2) Ask politely for an autograph and picture. 3) Give in to urges and ask for a hug. =)
  7. M

    ugg boots and other ugly fashion things... why do girls fall prey to these trends?!?

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And some don't give a damn about what other think, it's something called confidence and pride.