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    Lg Viewty Or Lg Cookie?

    viewty has much better camera and is much easier to use. also you can decustomised it you cant change anything on the cookie cookie is slimmer and has motion sensor gaming allthough there are no games for it anyway try and get one fro free from hear...
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    3G IPhone or Sony Ericsson?

    i phone mainly because of all the apps you can get for it got one for free from hear
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    any good games for sony ericsson?

    are their any good games for sony ericsson w910i that use the motion sensor
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    xbox 360 email address?

    i am trying to email customer support using the website and they keep fobing me off with this rubbish auto response Does any one have an email address so i can directly email a real person at xbox thanks
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    Who are Technika....?

    who are Technika the people that make the tv's for tesco do they have a website