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  1. F

    My boss is spreading rumors about should i handle this?

    tie your cell phone to a rope and swing it everywhere when you go to work. let out your inner cowgirl
  2. F

    Got any pick up lines?

    I love 'em :) - Hey, there's no us without you. :) Lol, not really a pick up line but; What has 345 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk? -My zipper ;)
  3. F

    Healthy eating?????????

    Get at least 5 fruits and veggies a day, and 3 servings of milk. Drink lots of water, and limit sugars and sweets. Always choose whole grain products!
  4. F

    How healthy/ unhealthy was what I ate today?

    Nothing you ate was bad at all. Some advice though, it doesn't seem like you ate enough! Also, eat the most for breakfast and lunch, and have a lighter dinner. :)