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  1. P

    What will all the volunteer White House tour guides do now that they are laid off

    "Volunteerism" is the biggest, easiest scam perpetrated by slaving US richclass tyrants... It's like, "Serve us for free. Get close to us gods. Almost touch us. What is slavery, anyway?" LOL. What a bunch of suckers.
  2. P

    After all the gunfire last night how many people on here would want to take...

    I just tried to float a piece of swiss cheese in the bathtub. It sank. So no.
  3. P

    Scottish newz reminds us of how bad it is in other nations Should we be

    Well -- would you rather be the cannibal or the cannibalized? In a world exploited by US richclass, you have no choice but this choice. Yes -- be thankful you are with the cannibals. I think... Better keep one eye open, just in case...
  4. P

    Trivia question: Which president uttered this famous one liner?

    He was talking to himself -- but he's lip-illiterate.
  5. P

    Have you heard that anti-OWS cons are spreading rumors blaming OWS -- and

    shutting down businesses themselves? US working class conservatives are spreading false rumors suggesting that OWS plans to shut down this port or that shopping district or this business plaza or that… …and scaring off customers themselves with their lies! THANKS FOR THE HELP! @It's TRUE...
  6. P

    Why do conservatives complain about President Obama's wife vacationing at

    Solely because they want to see your knee-jerk straw man reaction.
  7. P

    As a fascist cop rings the cranial bell of a working class activist does a US

    richclass bankster get his wings? “Anti-Wall Street demonstrators marched against New York police on Tuesday, accusing… officers of excessive force when carrying out arrests during a month-long protest campaign against economic inequality.”...
  8. P

    Why is it so useless to argue with the pigs on the left?

    It's your arguing skills, actually... Name calling is a cognitive bias and a technique to promote propaganda. Propagandists use the name-calling technique to incite fears or arouse positive prejudices with the intent that invoked fear (based on fearmongering tactics) or trust will encourage...
  9. P

    Why won't any Democrat introduce Obama's Jobs bill in the House?

    They're all out protesting Wall Street at the moment, preparing for a bank invasion.
  10. P

    Are there any Famous Companies and Corporations from North Korea ,Like

    Not really -- but also there are not really any famous foreign invaders and exploiters in North Korea. (Yeah, you'll have to think.)
  11. P

    I heard that G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney can’t travel overseas -- why is that?

    Are they criminals or something?? @If you have any evidence of G.W. Bush or Dick Cheney traveling anywhere not-so-far invaded by US military, could you please share it?
  12. P

    Where are all those Libs who were on here ranting and raving about Davis'...

    Regarding capital punishment, you are aware that your US richclass legal industrial complex uses capital punishment system to thieve mega-multi-millions in working class taxpayer funds -- aren't you? Trial after trial after appeal after appeal, soon enough they've got 50-100 judges and lawyers...
  13. P

    With US poverty rates exploding and already highest in 1st World, are US

    conservatives giving up arguing? Where have US conservatives who unabatedly defend thieving, slaving US richclass gone?
  14. P

    How do Americans feel about Samsung and LG?

    I just felt myself, and I feel soft.
  15. P

    How did Abe Lincoln lead his country through the Civil War?

    He used the Columbus method -- search and discover. (Like my typing method...)
  16. P

    Why dont Native Americans, Irish Americans, and Japanese Americans complain much

    They're not crybaby mainstream Americans, and are not influenced by US liberal feminist fascists.
  17. P

    Why should anybody care who's invited to the White House -- when there's...

    ...public tours? @Look at this, they're coming on here complaining who's "first in line" -- like 2nd graders.
  18. P

    What does Japanese Tsunami and earthquake have to do with prices of toyotas, hondas,

    You're awfully quick to blame the Japanese when it's the fault of US richclass Wall Street bankster thieves. You owe the Japanese an apology now. My question yesterday states: Why are US richclass banksters buying up YEN to earn profit from tragedy? US Wall Street thieving slaving grave...
  19. P

    Isn't it obvious that the US government is demanding that people undertake air... barehanded and unclothed? Republicans are spending over $700 billion PER YEAR to US military industrial congressional complex -- but there's no room to allocate a couple hundred million for your luggage. @Of course, the plutocracy that...