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  1. M

    Do you like to Laugh.......................?

    ... me + laughter = life i?laughing, i laugh for at least an hour=} i laugh like a madwoman...i mean, whenever i'm gonna laugh so hard, i'd stumble on the floor then roLLLL or spin watever. cuz that's just the way i roll! i also find it awesome for someone who always laughs^^ soooo i guess that...
  2. M

    POLL:Have you ever ventured into Religion&Spirituality?

    yuhuh...i think so really deep there. you must have the virtue of understanding;D
  3. M

    If i listen to those kind of music, am i indie?

    dont worry about it! just listen to whatever music u want
  4. M

    How do I know if my dog wants fish, lamb or chicken food?

    give it each food seperately and see which one it likes best
  5. M

    which fish should i get?

    a beta fish