Search results

  1. C

    What pro MMA fighters were in the military?

    I'm on a full time combatives team for the army. Our system, Modern Army Combatives, is based on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, but also includes elements of Muay Thai, boxing, wrestling, even some stickfighting. It also incorporates some military specific stuff (weapons retention, arrest tactics) that...
  2. C

    Is there a martial art that has everything?

    MMA is the most obvious one. Modern Army Combatives is another complete-ish system, and one that also includes weapons.
  3. C

    What's the weakest MMA combination you can imagine?

    I mean the one that would get someone killed in the cage. I like Tai Chi / Aikido / Capoeira myself. What's your favorite?
  4. C

    When all is said and done, has religion been a positive or negative force...

    ...for humanity? I'm not talking about any particular religion. I'm speaking of religion as a whole, especially those that have had a lot of power in their society. Are negatives such as the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the suppression of scientific learning (Christianity) the...
  5. C

    IS it to late to start MMA at 18 years old, from no previous experincs in...

    No, 18 is a great age to start. It's hard work and hopefully you're reasonably athletic cause a lot of the guys you train with will be. But plenty of people start in their teens. Find a good MMA camp and go to work. I'd also recommed taking a dedicated boxing or kickboxing class. Most MMA...
  6. C

    Where can amateur MMA fighters compete?

    Well amateurs never get paid, which is what makes them amateurs. There are a lot of amateur level competitions all over the USA. You can find them on a wide variety of websites. There are big ones in Idaho and in Las Vegas. Some are smokers or tournaments, others, like Tuff n Uff, have near...
  7. C

    Approximately how much does MMA training cost....and is it worth it?

    Most MMA camps will charge anywhere from $120 to $250 per month. They often have different programs at different prices. And yes, it is worth it. After say one year of dedicated training (four days a week) and a maybe an amatuer competition an untrained man your size won't stand much of a...
  8. C

    Who are the most overrated/underrated fighters in MMA?

    Here are some under rated ones: Brock Lesnar - This guy gets dissed from the Kimbo effect, but he's a different beast. He is a very skilled wrestler and his physicality is amazing. People who knock him now are going to be eating crow when he still has the belt two years from now. Mark my...
  9. C

    Who are the most overrated/underrated fighters in MMA?

    Here are some under rated ones: Brock Lesnar - This guy gets dissed from the Kimbo effect, but he's a different beast. He is a very skilled wrestler and his physicality is amazing. People who knock him now are going to be eating crow when he still has the belt two years from now. Mark my...
  10. C

    need help with mma training?

    Well, if you have what it takes for MMA you'll be able to set aside your ego. Do so before reading the rest of this. MMA is an incredibly demanding sport. There is no place for lax self discipline at the professional level. That means get your diet and exercise program together right now. A...
  11. C

    Should MMA have its own Yahoo Answers section separate from martial arts?

    full respect to traditional arts, but I'd love a place to go to talk MMA without seeing a million posts on who Bruce Lee could beat or what style of Kung Fu could beat which style of TKD or whether internal styles are better for generating magical powers. MMA are to traditional arts what...
  12. C

    How does travel in germany work?

    Germany, all of Europe really, has public transportation that makes anything in the USA look like a bad joke. Busses and trains are cheap, fast and efficient. You could be stationed in Germany, and go visit Rome while on a four day leave without ever needing to rent a car. Train tickets cost...
  13. C

    How does travel in germany work?

    Germany, all of Europe really, has public transportation that makes anything in the USA look like a bad joke. Busses and trains are cheap, fast and efficient. You could be stationed in Germany, and go visit Rome while on a four day leave without ever needing to rent a car. Train tickets cost...