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  1. S

    Why do all the racist and white supremacist come out on the internet?

    They can't get beat up on the internet.
  2. S

    What do you think of PDA (Public Display of Affection)?

    Annoying in a group, cool when it's just the two people. Edit: But there's different kinds though, as long as it's not interrupting a conversation or leaving somebody hanging i guess it's ok.
  3. S

    Why are women (in general) so caddy, petty, and downright mean?

    Women like drama. Just an observation.
  4. S

    my car doesn't start but headlight work... battery?

    It's your battery, get a jump.
  5. S

    poll: would you ever pick up a hitchhiker ?

    Ass, Grass, or Cash those are my rules lol.
  6. S

    question about masturbating.... ?

    Have someone else do it to you.
  7. S

    question about masturbating.... ?

    Have someone else do it to you.
  8. S

    question about masturbating.... ?

    Have someone else do it to you.
  9. S

    Why in almost all the countries, where Muslims are in minorities, they

    I miss those 50's propaganda flicks, they didn't beat around the bush, they just came out with the message like " Think you're safe ? Think again, your neighbor could be a Red Commie bastard" instead of trying to f*ck with your mind in subtle ways.
  10. S

    Do you have any fantastic phrases for sharing, like "Who says nothing is impossible,

    The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was. If you lend someone $20, and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
  11. S

    So you have 1 hour left to live..........?

    Skydive without a parachute. I don't wanna die in a hospital or a bed.
  12. S

    33 horses are standing in a field, when suddenly a bolt of lightning...?

    If the question is how many are left in the field, the answer is 33.
  13. S

    Why is it that White people always complain that Black people bring race up when...?

    It's the internet, people will say whatever they want cuz they know their actions are of no consequence. Somebody ever says that dumb sh*t to me in person is never gonna be able to repeat that again. You need to let the petty stuff slide, it's only gonna irk you and make you a worse person.