Search results

  1. M

    Who is your favorite and least favorite character on Lost?

    My favorite was Charlie because there was something about him that I liked. I also liked Sayid, Sawyer, and Desmond. I think my least favorite is Jack because he trys to solve other peoples problems instead of his.
  2. M

    Who do u think is the most famous celebrity?

    George Clooney or Johnny Depp Angelina Jolie or Meryl Streep
  3. M

    how do i get internet on my ipod touch?

    The only way you can get internet on that is if you have a wireless connection.
  4. M

    Who is your celebrity crush?

    Mine is Shia Labeouf.
  5. M

    Who is your celebrity crush?

    Mine is Shia Labeouf.
  6. M

    Where is your dream vacation?

    MIne is going to Ireland.