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  1. O

    Is there a free prog I can download that shows u the wireless internet...

    Well, there are several programs that do what you are asking, perhaps one of the most popular wireless listener programs is wireshark. But I'm not sure why you would care where it's coming from, since if a program can pick it up you can use it. Hopefully you don't though, that's kind of illegal.
  2. O

    Is there a free prog I can download that shows u the wireless internet...

    Well, there are several programs that do what you are asking, perhaps one of the most popular wireless listener programs is wireshark. But I'm not sure why you would care where it's coming from, since if a program can pick it up you can use it. Hopefully you don't though, that's kind of illegal.
  3. O

    What is the future with hiatal hernia?

    I was just diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux disease. I'm caught up with the GERD part, but I'm curious about hiatal hernia. Most google searches indicate that the hiatal hernia is usually not a big problem, but can require surgery if it goes too far. What I'm...
  4. O

    Downloading WordPerfect?

    I'm afraid not. If you're dead set on WordPerfect then you'll have to pay for it or pirate it. If you could accept an alternative which, in my opinion, is much better than WordPerfect, but still free, you could try OpenOffice; a suite of office applications that comes with a word processor...