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  1. K

    I need advice about the sony ericsson liveview?

    I have looked and can not find if you can access your contacts to make a phone call. Can you? and what else can you do with it? Cheers
  2. K

    I need advice about the sony ericsson liveview?

    I have looked and can not find if you can access your contacts to make a phone call. Can you? and what else can you do with it? Cheers
  3. K

    The pedals on my bike are starting to wobble.?

    Is it possible to tighten them with out having to take the bike in to a shop?
  4. K

    why is my nokia e71 really bad pictures its 3 meg?

    The E71 is not a good camera phone the N95 has a 5mp camera and built in photo enhancing software (it works automatically). See if there is a software upgrade on the nokia site.
  5. K

    Does anyone know who wrote the Moreau Books?

    I'm not talking the island of Dr Moreau but the sci-fi books written about the moreau Engineered soldiers used by different countries starring Nohar Rajistan. An indian special forces tiger.
  6. K

    I am after a torrent Program ?

    I need a torrent program that will run off a memory stick. I am using the pc at work which has superfast conection but I do not have the Admin passwords. Any help would be great.
  7. K

    What do you think of my prediction?

    I think they will do it sooner they just found methane on mars which if confirmed will pretty much be it