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  1. P

    Rabbit problems..introducing?

    Are they neutered? This makes the process go a lot more smoothly normally. If they are both entire, then she is probably already pregnant! If he is entire and she is neutered then he will probably continue to try and hump all the time and drive her crazy. Sometimes, humping can be a dominance...
  2. P

    My rabbit and a guinea pig together?

    I am really glad you asked before going ahead with this, please, please do not get a guinea pig to put with your rabbit. I am actually amazed if any rescue centre would allow this pairing, he would be much better off with a female rabbit - nothing can beat companionship of the same species...
  3. P

    my cats one eye is red ,runny and she keeps squinting, wat can or should i...

    Take her to the vet. It may just be an eye infection that she will need drops for, or (as it is on one side only) it could be that a foreign body has got into her eye.
  4. P

    do i need vaccinations to travel to Jamaica from the UK?

    The NHS advise that you are up to date with vaccinations for tetanus, hepatitis A and B, and diptheria.
  5. P

    do i need vaccinations to travel to Jamaica from the UK?

    The NHS advise that you are up to date with vaccinations for tetanus, hepatitis A and B, and diptheria.
  6. P

    what does trace mean in the nutrition information?

    Trace means a very small amount.
  7. P

    Is there like a website that can alphabetize a long list of things, or put

    Try this one...