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  1. J

    Why do so many people accept Jesus Christ...?

    I have read the terms and conditions of the other guy and it is not good - death, hell and the grave. Jesus gives us life, eternal life and heaven. What a comparison - what is your choice?
  2. J

    Is anyone else fed up with religion?

    Yeah, if we could just get rid of religion and simply have Jesus, that would be so great. After all, Jesus is all we need. He alone paid the price for our sins. Therefore, we do not have to go to that place after this life is over and instead we can have eternal life.
  3. J

    Were the people born before Christ damned from the start?

    The Scriptures especially in the Gospels and the Epistle of Peter tell us that Jesus went to Paradise to set the captives free. That were those who were there whom Jesus preached the Gospel to when He died and went to the lower reaches of the earth.
  4. J

    Christians: Why do you believe the bible is still fully credible to this day?

    Jesus said His Word will never pass away. I tend to believe Jesus rather than history or man's logic.
  5. J

    Why do other christian denominations try to tell their people that the other...

    Denominations are not what is important, it is Jesus ad Him crucified.
  6. J

    Christians, is Obama the Anti-Christ?

    Well, the Antichrist will come with a great sounding voice and charisma that will draw many to him. He will come in peaceably and change the times and the laws. He is a deceiver of everything he does. He will come in on a white horse with a bow conquering and to conquer, Since he conquers with...
  7. J

    I will agree to never mention my atheism again, nor argue with a religious

    Well at least Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with the Savior of the world.
  8. J

    Christians, is it possible to take an Old Testament prophecy out of context....?

    Generally one prophecy will line up with other prophecies in other passages.
  9. J

    christians, some of you throw around the idea that God can be proven, why do that

    Because faith without action is unable to prove anything. If you have faith that God exists, but are unwilling to do what He says, what good is faith. However, if you have faith and are willing to do what God says, then you can prove God.
  10. J

    Are Christians really good people?

    There are none better. However, I am talking about those who have made Jesus their Lord and Savior and follow Him throughout life eternal.
  11. J

    Christians- Just because you can make choices doesn't mean you have freewill does it?

    I think you do not understand free-will and choices. Because you can be influenced you make a choice with your free-will. The devil might influence you to do something wrong, but you must make the choice to either do it or not to do it. The same with Jesus. You make the choice to either accept...
  12. J

    Do you think Jesus fulfilled the prophecy?

    Which Old Testament prophecy do you mean. Jesus fulfill many of them, in fact too many to mention here.
  13. J

    What are the similarities between Christianity and Judaism?

    They both believe in the same God, the God of the Bible and they both believe in the Old Testament.
  14. J

    The Bible has fulfilled prophecies?

    Hundred of Prophecies are being fulfilled today in both the Old and New Testaments.
  15. J

    Do you believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead?

    Definitely. The bible tells me so and I know in my heart that Jesus is alive.
  16. J

    Do you think Obama is the Anti- Christ ?

    There are several sign to look for in the anti-christ. We know he will be a ruler of some sort. He comes in conquering and to conquer, but with only a bow and no arrow. That means (and Daniel Book backs up) that he will come in with flattering words and will conquer with his words. He will be...
  17. J

    do you have to be baptized to be able to truly be a christian and accept

    No. You do need to make Jesus Lord of your life. Water baptism was from John the Baptist. John, Jesus and the apostle Peter all said that John baptized with water, but Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire. All you need is Jesus' baptism, that He will send you the Holy Spirit into...
  18. J

    Why is it the religions that preach the existence of an Almighty God are the ones...

    Your question is vague. God has time for everyone who calls on Him. Try it sometime.
  19. J

    Islam in 2025, will be the largest religion?

    Probably. The Book of Daniel tells us that the anti-christ will overcome the Christians when he comes to power.
  20. J

    is that true christianity is a religion of contradictions because their...

    Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies concerning Him in the Old Testament. Some prophecies though are about His Second Coming. Perhaps the problem is you cannot interpret the Scriptures apart from the Spirit of God living within you. (1 Corinthians Chapter 2)