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  1. C

    When a friend suggests going on a double date, is the friend obligated to...

    I would never expect anyone to pick up the tab for me. I never leave the house with empty pockets. When the check comes, just divide the bill in half including gratuity or pay for your own on a separate check.
  2. C

    What is the purpose of loud, "performance" pipes on cars, trucks, and motorcycles?

    You can't disconnect your straight pipes on your hog just to leave the driveway. Straight pipes save lives.
  3. C

    Why is white zinfindel not a "good" wine?

    Drink whatever you like. If you like sweet wine, white zin is a good choice. Try a Riesling sometime. It is probably one you would like, too. Pinot Grigio is also sweet..
  4. C

    Does champagne taste the same as chardonnay?

    Champagne has a little fizz. Chard doesn't. Sparkling wine, such as Korbel is similar to champagne.
  5. C

    Does champagne taste the same as chardonnay?

    Champagne has a little fizz. Chard doesn't. Sparkling wine, such as Korbel is similar to champagne.
  6. C

    Does champagne taste the same as chardonnay?

    Champagne has a little fizz. Chard doesn't. Sparkling wine, such as Korbel is similar to champagne.
  7. C

    Does champagne taste the same as chardonnay?

    Champagne has a little fizz. Chard doesn't. Sparkling wine, such as Korbel is similar to champagne.
  8. C

    is it ok 2 hav tintd plate covers on ur license plate?

    Be prepared to get pulled over.
  9. C

    Pint for the fella, glass of white wine for the lady?

    I'm not quite sure what U R getting at. I would be surprised if any one assumed that I wouldn't love a pint of something. I'd like to be asked.
  10. C

    Powder milk vs Whole milk?

    Ask your pediatrician
  11. C

    Powder milk vs Whole milk?

    Ask your pediatrician