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  1. M

    Which air conditioner should I buy? Panasonic Inverter or Daikin Inverter?

    Both brands are well known I guess but I'm confused because some people said Daikin is better and more reliable, is this true? Also, Panasonic gas is more expensive I heard.
  2. M

    Why do some creationists say that infinity (in the material world/time) is

    Why do atheists use creationsists as the evil boogeymen? Honestly, 90 percent of the christians i have met are not creationsts. I guess we will never know the answer to either of these questions. May the force be with you
  3. M

    End times prophecy signs?

    How do Christianity, judaism, and Islam compare when it comes to signs regarding the "end time" a.k.a apocalypse, judgement day I know this section is usually reseved from foaming lunatics who seem to have nothing better to do than convince people to be either a Christian or an atheist, so if...
  4. M

    Did you ever post a video on the internet?

    no, i don't buy into the whole show-the-world how-stupid-you-are mentality
  5. M

    Is Nostradamus 2012 Right?

    I am usually skeptical but what do you make of the recent NASA report that solar flare activity is expected to increase now through 2012? I'm sure its just a coincidence, right?
  6. M

    How can you defend GITMO?

    How can the U.S justify holding people for years without a trial. You say, "oh we didn't try NAZI prisoners during world war two" , and sheep without a brain say, yeah, that makes sense. however, World War two was a declared war against a nation which would come to a close one day. "the war on...