Search results

  1. M

    what religion uses blood?

    Are you talking about actual real blood? If so there are exotic rituals in many religions that practice some form of sacrifice to their deities. Most religions that refer to sacrifices only note the use of blood in their narratives.
  2. M

    Atheists: Is Everard G always on the internet?

    That's what retired millionaires do honey--deal with it.
  3. M

    do you believe that religion is something that cant be mocked?

    In an open society everything should be "fair game."
  4. M

    How will history judge religious fundamentalism in the far future?

    Is religious fundamentalism to the present times what McCarthyism was to it's own era? When will most of society become aware of the limitations of categorical views?
  5. M

    do you know all religions?

    Yes but you can probably get it easier from doing a simple Google search.
  6. M

    How wealthy are all the religions of the world?

    Difficult to tell since most are so non-transparent but it would be in the thousands of trillions.
  7. M

    Is it a pr-requisite to be pro-religion to discuss religion or can we all join in?

    The diversity of world views is what makes this site so interesting. There are plenty of other sites dedicated to particular views if that's all I wanted to hear about.
  8. M

    What do you think about the 8 year-old Atheist girl on YouTube who ranted

    She's cute but I have to agree with some of what others have said regarding turning their kids into puppets that have no idea what they are saying. I find it distasteful
  9. M

    Which conspiracy do you find most credible or at least "fascinating" like...

    Which conspiracy do you find most credible or at least "fascinating" like... ...Spock used to say? Thanks for the responses
  10. M

    Why do some nincompoops on the internet hate the reptilians?

    Are you really? How do you feel about Atlanteans then?
  11. M

    What % of the questions on R&S have to do with religion and spirituality?

    versus those that are just repetitive cheap shots at the other side?
  12. M

    Is it just as worse for atheist to put religion down, as it is for theist to

    Such arguments usually fall upon tin ears but good luck
  13. M

    What do you think about the introduction of a ‘cult tax’?

    I don't see why that would be necessary--a tax on every money making enterprise and should be enough... You know, something equally fair amongst all businesses, plus tax incentives for real charitable work regardless of business
  14. M

    Violent dramatic fish death?

    OMG you've murdered that poor fishy! And a torturous slow death at that how cruel of you! Have you no heart woman? I'm quite certain you've broken some law in this... How could you? Why? WHY????
  15. M

    What do you tell a child who questions the logic of religion?

    Emphasized the part about how powerful one's decisions are in life and how it is that evil deeds proceed from evil decision makers. In other words, focus on things he can apply and all those concepts that are useless to him will wither away in due course.
  16. M

    The Trinity Doctrine has been described as “the central doctrine of the Christian

    You got to love a religion with so many things to fight over don't ya?
  17. M

    How do you get off the internet addiction thing?

    What internet addiction? It's called marketing & networking (I think)
  18. M

    Mother enforcing religion to me, help?

    I'm so sorry for your situation. Do you have any of your art online anywhere?
  19. M

    Is there a religion out there that in even some small way corroborates any of...

    That would be Deism. Deist believe nature reveals all that can be known about the universe, how life functions and so on..
  20. M

    girl complaining of being unevenly yoked... very confused?

    I really suspect that is just her way of telling you to kindly bug the heck off dude. "Is she taking it too far?" If she is what makes you think you can dictate to her what is "too far?" Find another gf friendo.....