Search results

  1. H

    What Celebrity best fits him ?? ?

    Jared Leto
  2. H

    Y isnt my boyfriend picking up his phone?

    banging some other chick who pays attention to him
  3. H

    The New Jersey Trilogy?

    mallrats zack and miri clerks 2 chasing amy clerks jay and silent bob strike back dogma jersey girl
  4. H

    Who's the one celebrity/celebrities you'd like to go away!?

    i think yours are pretty right on
  5. H

    Why do they have those gum vending machines in the bathrooms at truck stops ?

    you can blow good bubbles with it though.
  6. H

    Why is there so much hatred in the religion and spirituality section?

    The same reason that there have been wars for thousands of years fought over religions. Thus is the nature and danger of beliefs, because if you are right, than someone who feels differently is inherently wrong.
  7. H

    What's the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer?

    Anyone who can figure this out please tell me cuz my mouth tastes like shit.