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  1. C

    Atheists, what's your favorite joke about religion?

    Laugh while you still can. Don't say you weren't warned.
  2. C

    Why is it that majority of successful black people don't complain about racism?

    Because people who are successful make things happen rather than make excuses.
  3. C

    Why are the auto companies asking for handouts & complaining about

    Their workers are OVERPAID. That's the whole reason they can't compete with the Japanese. Name one other place where someone with a 10th grade education can go make $30 an hour to work on an assembly line! Dumdum: Yes they do. Come over to Michigan (where I live) and I would be happy to show...
  4. C

    1994 Honda Civic EX (1.6L SOHC VTEC) Automatic Transmission problem?

    I owned a 1994 Honda Civic CX - the bare bones model. By far the best car that I've ever owned. Even still, you have to face reality and concede that you still own a 14 year old car. My guess is that it could be a bad cylinoid (pardon the spelling). They tend to crap about around the 10+ year...
  5. C

    Why is the "pregnant man" story even relevant? ?

    Because he's the newest uber-freak. Since he's such a freak, the media is sensationalized with him. The media always has to follow the latest whack-job because they know the story sells.