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  1. D

    what is the best program i can use to make android apps?

    Google for android getting strated there will be several videos and howtos You pretty much are limited to Eclipse, a java IDE, with the android plug-iin.
  2. D

    What language needed to develop android apps?

    Eclipse is an editor, much like MSWord. Android has a plug-in for Eclipse to help you code correctly to a finished product. do a google: android getting started there are Developer Guides, Installation Guides on how to set up Eclipse with Android and there are YouTube demos.
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    Java Newbie Question?

    Java has the GregorianCalendar API which greatly simplifies this as a problem. If you are needing to re-invent the wheel... most implementations use arrays instead of logic trees. Therefore, Jan = index 0, Dec = index 11. The parallel array would then be: 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31...
  4. D

    Is Java programming sufficient to develop apps for Android?

    I use NetBeans. Android is something I plan on pursuing in earnest before the end of 1st quarter of 2011. As I understand it, a style of Java coding is compiled against Android classes and that in turn makes javascript-style calls on the Android engine, which is pretty clever. I can think of...
  5. D

    i started downloading a 600 mb file from net using it isnt

    Sometimes, it can take 5-7 days to get the last 2k. Leave your computer on. Use a good virus-scanner when your unpack it.
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    JAVA SWING GUI HELP - java application - simulating PDA system?

    Looks like you are just now learning Swing. I can not follow your intent with your choice of variable names. If I were you, Make a JTabbedPane, put 3 tabs with JComponents upon the tab panel. Put that JTabbedPane in the JFrame. Get all that working and then it is a snap to create a JFrame that...
  7. D

    Is anyone else obsessed with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers?

    The movies are popular on French TV reruns. And, I haven't see the old bumper sticker in a while that said: "Ginger Rogers could do everything Astaire did and backwards".
  8. D

    java problem???? can some one help me??? im a newbie?

    once a String variable has been initialized, you can keep adding to it... String s; // not init String w = ""; is init w += "x"; w += " "; w += "one two three and more." s = ""; s += "see";
  9. D

    Where should my hubby and I vacation next year? Italy (Venice,Florence&Rome)...

    You don't say how much time you got. I consider Rome by itself a week's time. But if you are like most Americans and just want to shoot photos out of the window of a car, save yourself from stress. Just go on the Greek tour and have a vacation.
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    Is the word "patronus" copyright-protected by J. K. Rowling?

    No, the term is derived from Latin, Pater -- father or patron. The title patronous was given to the original 300 Senators of Rome, Romulus being one of them. If you, on the other hand, use a creature that is derived from a magic spell along with the other traits that Rowling concocted, then...
  11. D

    How long do you think Volkswagen has been appealing to the hippie/scenester/nature...

    I would say it was more the price. In 1962 a Beetle cost $1,300 whereas a brand new Ford Fairlane was $2,000. That $700 difference was a lot of money back then. So, a younger buyer with less money bought their first new car until about 1975 and then the Japense cars began with less cost, more...
  12. D

    Will my electronics work in England?

    You will need a plug convertor for the power brick that charges the Laptop. By power brick, I mean the unit that plugs into the wall socket and then runs to your computer. See link below. Plug adapters are cheap but does your power brick hang from the wall socket? If so, you might need a power...
  13. D

    Why does the iPhone SDK use objective C instead of C++?

    Apple didn't make Objective C. Steve Jobs, when he was his own company NeXT, licensed Objective C to make the OS for his re-invented, hi-priced Macintosh. When Jobs went back to Apple, Apple acquired Objective C in the process. Objective C is part of Mac OSX. Although Objective C is a bit of the...
  14. D

    What is the best file format for sharing Illustrator images?

    Send it .PDF, but proofread very carefully when SaveAs... .pdf because Illustrator invariably misplaces the last word of text in the very center of the screen. It can be under a graphic rectangle. So, save as .pdf, change to line View see if there is a word all by its lonesome. The last word...
  15. D

    What is the best file format for sharing Illustrator images?

    Send it .PDF, but proofread very carefully when SaveAs... .pdf because Illustrator invariably misplaces the last word of text in the very center of the screen. It can be under a graphic rectangle. So, save as .pdf, change to line View see if there is a word all by its lonesome. The last word...
  16. D

    GM and Chrysler Bailout?

    I don't like it, but, we won't know the full scenario until the recession (or depression) ends. None of the federal subsidies effect my situation in life. I don't have a house, I'm not going to college, I could never afford an electric car. The government claims we are saving capitalism. You...
  17. D

    Does satellite soft $49.95 internet connetion work? Is it a scam?

    u can't email out is the problem with satnet.
  18. D

    additional battery for car audio?

    I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Modifying the battery/alternator/regulator becomes a maintenance item. Too much alternator and you fry the car's harness. The alternator, if it fits the engine compartment's mounting brackets, will pull the engine down. A truck will have room enough...
  19. D

    Is internet explorer 8 going to be better than firefox?

    MS is falling all over themselves trying to shove a new XML standard upon the world. SilverLight, or whatever they call it, positions MS to be one-half step from a class-action lawsuit. Why should MS be the toll-booth for information on the internet? Why? Internet Exploder 8 will give...
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    Does Apple's "Mac Mini" support Java? Also, how's the SDK to make iTouch/iPhone apps?

    It has been a long time for me on an Apple, but I can tell you Apple provides any java dev kits that are available (and they always seem to lag one generation behind the pack, they were on Java5 last I heard). So, goto . I will say Apple seems to support 64-bit way better...