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  1. A

    Does anyone know where I can find some JLPT N3 exercises for listening?

    I don't think there is much out there. The N3 is only a few years old and the JLPT organization stopped publishing their materials. I think your only option, considering the test you want to take, is to order a book. If you can't order from Japan, can you order materials from the U.S? If so...
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    _________names for a dog_______?

    so my grandparents rescued a a puppy, she is a black lab, and the runt but they want to use the name Cinderella the problem is that was my dogs name, also a black lab but she died a year ago and i don't think it's right, i just couldn't handle that i am only 17 so i need new names for a little...
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    why can't my mother Except my boyfriend?

    I’m the youngest girl in my family so my mother gust can’t except by boyfriend she only thinks he’s nothing in my life but he’s the nicest, sweets and the most caring man I ever met. He’s hard working he has a goal in life he wants to go to college. He always keeps his premise and he never goes...
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    What should my daily calorie intake and a healthy weight be?

    you just need to find a caloric calculator around 1868 Calories/day if you work out 3 times a week heres a link
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    good fast alternative music?

    i need a good dance song and i hate normalcy any suggestions? something like flathead by the fratellis
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    <<<<<<<are my photos any good>>>>>>?

    okay so heres the link tell me which one is ur favorite sorry that one is a drawing of mine if they are bad tell me too thanx