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  1. N

    According to religions marriage is only for producing children?

    Actually that's only true of Abrahamic religions. Hundreds of other religions make no such claim.
  2. N

    A little religion poll?

    Polytheist (Celtic). 46 year old male, in the US.
  3. N

    Person of any religion, see if you can argue this!?

    Your assumption is flawed....on many levels. Good people can come from difficult life circumstances, and bad people can have everything handed to them on a plate. You are your deeds. Your question is also only relevant to Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faiths....they are the only ones...
  4. N

    As a Christian (or any other religion for that matter) what is your

    My religion has no issue with homosexuality whatsoever. It's a non-issue.
  5. N

    How do Mormons deal with the fact that their Book of Mormon is an absolute joke and

    As christians, they have had practice dealing with the same "facts" regarding the bible....practice makes perfect ;)
  6. N

    Any bet's on which state will be next to legally recognize gay marriage ?

    I would like to think it was my state (UT)....but frankly I don't think we are advanced enough yet. So which state do you think will next ???
  7. N

    Is religion being defined according to race?

    Only humans have formalized religions to define, and since there is only one race of humans, the answer can only be no. If your referring to ethnicity/culture ? then sure, different ethnic groups have always had different religions and always will.
  8. N

    Give me ONE reason why your religion is more reliable/right then other religions.?

    No such reason exists. I could tell you why my religion is right for me, but that would mean nothing to you. There is no absolute right....only right for each of us as an individual.
  9. N

    Members of Religion and Spirituality?

    Coffee....then more Coffee. Then when I'm awake I do my morning meditation at my altar, so yes my philosophy help me get my "game face" on.
  10. N

    Members of Religion and Spirituality?

    Coffee....then more Coffee. Then when I'm awake I do my morning meditation at my altar, so yes my philosophy help me get my "game face" on.
  11. N

    Members of Religion and Spirituality?

    Coffee....then more Coffee. Then when I'm awake I do my morning meditation at my altar, so yes my philosophy help me get my "game face" on.
  12. N

    Is Wicca a legally recognized religion in Michigan?

    Wicca is a federally recognized religion.
  13. N

    Why do religions still exist?

    Your mistaken. Religions have not been disproved. Religion is a valid aspect of life, just as much as science is.
  14. N

    Atheists only please, regarding religion.?

    I notice that many Atheists make comments about religion being the cause of most problems in our world, and that religious people are delusional. Some of the "big points" made often have to do with rejecting science. Blindly following something that can not be substantiated. Forcing your...
  15. N

    Are there any religions that are opposed to Psychiatry?

    Some christian sects have an issue with mental health, but as far as I know most are open to psychiatry.