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  1. G

    Christians, do you follow everything in the bible or do you selectively follow?

    Depends on how ruined their mind is. :P
  2. G

    Does Barrack Osama Believe in Jesus Christ?

    he is forced to pretend he does believe .... by the evil control of massive wealth of religion ... religion is a scam
  3. G

    Should Judaism, Christianity and Islam be merged back into one faith?

    they should be merged back into ancient history and banned from the 21st Century religion is a scam
  4. G

    Why do most riders on YA prefer sport bikes?

    To be honest with you you answered your own question when you mentioned age the average age of a sport bike rider is between 18-30 and the average age of cruiser riders is between 45-65 some other things that you could consider are the desire for speed most younger people have as-well as the...
  5. G

    With all due respect to religion....shouldn't we be cautious?

    religion must NOT be respected .... respect your parents , they made you ... religion is responsible for the starving and suffering and deaths of millions of innocent people ... save the world - ban religion.
  6. G

    Why are atheists so heavily angered by religion?

    I'm angry at all the lies and suffering and the religious focus on money and paedophilia ... save the world - ban religion...!!!
  7. G

    Do you see similar sales gimmicks used by used car salesmen and the religions ?

    There must be enormous sums of money made by selling false-god religion to as many gullibles as they can ... they won't give up; slick conmen, lies, false claims, worthless promises ... and what makes me really mad is the FACT that there is NO god ; it is total DISrespect for our parents to...
  8. G

    Since it says no one will know when Jesus is coming, if I say he will in the future,

    no ... jesus is NOT real .... there is NO god ... our parents made us..
  9. G

    Can you Critique my thoughts on Religion?

    I agree ... the main conclusion is .. there is NO god. We should improve progress and scientific endeavour .. get rid of the parasitic pope ... convert all churches into science laboratories ... quickly find cures for cancer, aids, diabetes, etc. Eradicate world poverty with the $$TRILLIONS$$$...
  10. G

    Bell Samsung U740 Dual-Flip phone help?

    how can i send stuff using my bluetooth application? i have 'bluetooth friends' but i cant find an option anywhere to send them music or a picture or anything also, i have a clip of a song id like to use as a ringtone, but how can i make it my ringtone? i once again cant find any options...
  11. G

    samsung double flip + bluetooth .. and ringtones?

    how can i send stuff using my bluetooth application? i have 'bluetooth friends' but i cant find an option anywhere to send them music or a picture or anything also, i have a clip of a song id like to use as a ringtone, but how can i make it my ringtone? i once again cant find any options...
  12. G

    good screaming tutorials?

    does anyone know of any good screaming tutorials on youtube or on the web for screamers that are in metal or hardcore bands?
  13. G

    singing/scream help... how to do it properly?

    um i wana know how to scream like Alesana or The Devil Wears Prada, or The Number 12 Looks Like You... I really dont want to ruin my voice and no one in my band wants to take a chance so i decided to TRY and learn, but i'll need some tips.. I know that i have to drink lots of water and no...