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  1. D

    My wife tells me she intends to continue shaving her head for the foreseeable...

    She sounds very inconsiderate and self centered. Unless there is a medical reason for shaving her head she is totally out of line. She is right that you have no say what she does with her hair, but she has opted not to have hair. You have a say in that.
  2. D

    What's that no good homey boy husband of mine up to now? Hiking in Harlem?

    He and Slick Willy have their cigars drawn and ready!
  3. D

    Discuss the spread of the Communism after World War II, including the

    I understand your need to have a good answer for your homework. However, you do yourself a disservice by asking others to do the work for you. In the real world you have to do the work yourself or you get fired. Time to start now. In the final analysis, no one should be expected to take care...
  4. D

    Is Obama our new Jimmy Carter?

    The pirates still have the captain and Obama mulls it over. Sure, there are war ships in the area. But Obama has not taken the quick and decisive action needed in a crisis like this. Sharpshooters on the military ships could pick off the pirates easy.
  5. D

    I have a warranty for a 25 year old GM pickup truck but I do not have the truck?

    Will Obama get me a new truck under his warranty guarantee program?
  6. D

    Do you believe that the Biden prophecy will come to pass?

    "Mark my words," within 6 months of taking office Obama will be tested by an international crisis.
  7. D

    OK ladies I want it straight. I can handle it. Does cigar smoking (good ones)...

    ...repulse you? I've had a number of women comment on how they like the smell of a good cigar but no one has had the nerve to come up to me and say they do not like it or are repulsed by it.
  8. D

    Why did President Obama take a vacation after 3 weeks in office?

    Particularly at a time when he says that the US will undergo a "catastrophe" if the stimulus bill is not signed into law chop chop.
  9. D

    Why have so many people squandered their future?

    I am talking about people who do not take advantage of a free public education and people who refuse to work.
  10. D

    Why would someone say that GE, Chrysler and Ford have gone bankrupt and it is...

    ...Bush's fault.? Last time I looked they all remained publicly traded, non-bankrupt companies.
  11. D

    Politic spin:Dick Cheney admits he helped make terrorism stronger now fears

    That does not even rise to the level of spin.
  12. D

    REPUBLICANS, there is a rumor going around, the GOP may be extinct soon...

    You must be really afraid of the Republicans Zode man. HA! Good for you. We are alive and well and basking in watching Obama make mistakes, the first of his was botching his wearing in. Bet he pukes the clam dip tonight on Michele's gown.
  13. D

    Do you think Hollywood glitteratia will show up at the Obama inaugural bashes?

    Who? Madonna? PeeWee Herman? Steve Urkel? Prince? Mary J. Blige" Rapper 2 Gud 2 B Tru? Elvis impersonators? Amy Winehouse?
  14. D

    Are you going to buy an Obama commemorative coin, the one with Obama on the...

    The suckers voted him in and the suckers will gobble up the "slum" (trinkets and trash).
  15. D

    Are you getting tired of the "politically correct greeting "Happy Holidays"?

    Are you getting tired of the "politically correct greeting "Happy Holidays"? I notice that so many people are using that phrase. I say Merry Christmas. I do not care what someone's background is when it comes to the holidays. It is the gesture that counts. WOW! This is a first! The little...
  16. D

    Is anyone else annoyed at all of the whining about Obama’s selections?

    Blame it on Obama. He promised everything to everyone. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
  17. D

    Should we sell the Liberty bell to china for Scrap iron?

    You are too late. His supporters have plans to snatch it and sell it themselves.
  18. D

    Any truth to the rumor that Obama has rented space....?

    on the side of Rosie to tout "Obamanomics"?