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  1. R

    is it true judaism, christianity and islam claim to be the true religions from God?

    All religious groups swear they are the true religion.
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    Am I gay? Last week my girlfriend ...?

    Were you hot for the guys? NO? Then you're not gay.
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    Homo protest! Where and how to start?

    THis is not a xtian nation as much as you want it to be. It was formed so that all persons could believe what they want without fear of persecution. Humans (Homo sapiens) are primates of the family Hominidae, and the only extant species of the genus Homo. Homosexuality is romantic attraction...
  4. R

    people seem to look at me like i am gay (i am)like today i was sitting with

    you may just be overly sensitive about being gay. Go meet other gay gals so you will learn to be more comfortable in your skin. HUGS from a senior lesbian
  5. R

    I'm a homosexual and want to meet someone on a gay dating site. Are dating...

    why are you in the religion section? You know you're going to get nasty comments from the good ole boys. Please call the gay center and find out when and where young guys your age get together. It is better to meet other guys in a safe place than take a chance with someone on the internet. You...
  6. R

    I'm a homosexual and want to meet someone on a gay dating site. Are dating...

    why are you in the religion section? You know you're going to get nasty comments from the good ole boys. Please call the gay center and find out when and where young guys your age get together. It is better to meet other guys in a safe place than take a chance with someone on the internet. You...
  7. R

    awkward gay sex question???

    maybe nervous.
  8. R

    Lesbian bars new york for wife and i?

    lesbians DO NOT go to bed with guys. You are looking for a bi woman-- make that real clear.
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    A Good Way To Ask If A Girl is Lesbian?

    That's what being a friend is for---- talking and sharing. Bring up the topic of someone being gay in a later conversation and see how she reacts.
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    Share your happy moments. What's something that has made you smile or laugh?

    Pure pleasure: watching my two little guys wrestle. I have two mixed poodles.
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    where can i meet honest people on the web?

    Try meeting people face to face instead. I imagine most people lie on the internet.
  12. R

    Where can a gay boy in Phoenix, Az meet another gay boy?

    Contact the gay center, the gay hot line and ask for young men's social groups. Don't forget to meet other gay women- they have friends too. Be safe. Have fun. Once you come out to your folks, and they learn to support you, they can be of great help getting a gay straight alliance...
  13. R

    Bisexual relationships?

    Don't believe most of what the people here write to you. Being intimate with two people at once? That sounds like a good way to get hurt (emotionally). Be with someone who treats you special, whether it's a man or a woman., but don't jump back and forth between men and women. That's not...
  14. R

    I told my mom i was Homo.....?

    Please contact - it is a large group of parents of gay kids who got together to learn how to be more supportive of their kids. There are chapters all over the US and the world altho not nearly enough of them. You can ask for pamphlets on explaining things to your folks. You can attend...
  15. R

    Question based on a relationship..?

    number one-- use spell check. I think you need to spend more time in English class and less time dating. Your friend needs counseling. It is not your responsibility to make a happy life for her. Try to encourage her to seek help. Let her family know that she is showing serious signs of...
  16. R

    I am a boy and I want to switch bodies with my friend who is a boy am I gay?

    Being gay means you are sexually attracted to another guy, not that you want to 'switch bodies'.
  17. R

    Whats wrong with gay people?

    STOP BEING SO IGNORANT. We are who we are. From the way you feel, it would be funny if you turned out to be gay.
  18. R

    are you still gay if?

    Maybe you're just not ready for sexual attrraction yet. Not every body realizes their authentic self at the same time. If you need help, contact the gay center, the gay hot line, and and ask for a gay friendly counselor or young persons social group so you can talk to other people...
  19. R

    what are some websites for lgbt teens to talk to?

    Contact the gay center, the gay hot line and Ask for social groups for teens in your area. It is not safe to meet people on the internet. You really do not know who you are talking to and you can get yourself into a situation with a predator and not know it. Ask the gay center for...
  20. R

    Should my friend and I start a more personal relationship?

    It is great that you are open minded about that. Just show her you are a good friend. At some point she will probably want to go thru transition. Friends will be really important to her. You are already in her circle. Show her you care.