Search results

  1. J

    Introducing an adult MALE Dog de bordeaux and adult FEMALE Labrador?

    Unless your DDB has displayed some sort of dog aggression in the past, this should go OK since they are opposite genders. Before you move her in you need to get her properly trained and if she isn't already spayed, you need to get that done if you can't keep them properly separated when she is...
  2. J

    my dog that just got spayed 3 days ago is whining and barking to go out?

    Give her a nice structured leash walk instead. It's perfectly safe at this point.
  3. J

    my dogs in heat and wont stop whining?

    Is she whining from the skin irritation or from being in heat? Spay her and get a good flea shampoo with oatmeal or some other skin soothing ingredient.
  4. J

    My 5yr old Dog (20 characters)?

    Supervise him so he doesn't get food he shouldn't have and walk him more. Or get a tread mill and train him to use it.
  5. J

    TINY Puppy For Sale...........................................?

    That's because it's Shih Tzu. Check with your local shelter. Avoid any breeders selling "tea cup" or "micro" anything- they are grubby backyard breeders.
  6. J

    Whenever we put my puppy outside, she whines?

    Don't just put her out in the yard, take her for leash walks.
  7. J

    need help selling my pitbull puppy?

    Charge $50 if you have gotten first shots. If not, give away for free but make sure you screen the home. Keep it until it is 8 weeks old and get your girl spayed after the pups are gone.
  8. J

    i have a 2 month old english bull dog and he sleeps in the crate at night

    get up with him otherwise he will start messing his crate, which is a hard habit to break. my pups need a middle of the night break until they are at least 7 or 8 months old. my terrier needed them until over a year old. when he growls at you , you either poke him in the shoulder or take him...
  9. J

    How does nutering a dog change it's behavior and how long does it take to kick...

    Neutering won't make him less hyper. He is a herding dog and all the dogs in that group are bred for tons of energy so they can do their job. The only thing that will help is more exercise. If you don't have time to exercise him as much as he needs, then try doggie daycare or a pet walking...
  10. J

    doberman boxer cross?

    No worries- just stay on your side of the fence. The dog is likely very friendly anyway- just bored.
  11. J

    do pugs have a lot of health problems?

    They do have more vet visits than an average dog. Often have breathing issues as well. Check out this page for a list of common ailments in the breed.
  12. J

    My dog is extremely hyperactive and a bit out of control!?

    try getting a stimulus collar with a remote that you control the stimulus. The other thing yuo can try at home is this.
  13. J

    Puppies for sale in seattle?

    Please don't buy from a pet store. Adopt from a shelter or find a reputable breeder.
  14. J

    how healthy would my dog be if she eats paper towel all the time?

    How about if you don't let her eat paper towels? They absorb water and can cause constipation or a blockage.
  15. J

    What are the best ways to get dog links back to my site?

    I have to ask why you have a "deal finder" on a puppy website?
  16. J

    about neurting shots?

    There is but it is very unreliable and in the end, surgery is not really that much more expensive.
  17. J

    My dog's poop is not solid, what could it be?

    Are you feeding her puppy food? You should be. Try a little canned plain pumpkin on the top (like a tablespoon). it helps.
  18. J

    Why is it then when a celebrity or famous person...?

    I am grateful that our dogs are unappealing despite a movie (Turner and Hooch).
  19. J

    how long is a dog in heat for?

    typically 3 weeks but as long as 6 or 7.
  20. J

    when can I start puppy training?

    day one.