Search results

  1. S

    What will Laura Ingraham do to burn up carbon if "The End of the Gas Guzzling SUV...

    Hook Al Gore up to her SUV and make him start paying back all the carbon credits he's stolen.
  2. S

    Why did Al Sharpton's rally yell and rant about Glenn Beck's rally?

    Al Sharpton is a poster child for today's liberal racist.
  3. S

    Is doing this wrong?

    No it isn't. Making out is perfectly fine.
  4. S

    Circuit City Sens TV/DVD hd?

    This is the reason why Circuit City is closing down in the first place
  5. S

    I need free psp games thats for 3000.?

    It's no hackable yet
  6. S

    do you ghost/paranormal hunt?

    i ghost hunt all the time... actually my hosue is haunted and i like ging in the basement and like i jsut see a bunch of ghost but some times i hear so irregular sounds like so orgasmic noises its just so wrong but i kind of like it