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  1. H

    I've thought of a name for my future cake shop, but my dad tells me it has

    sexual connotations.? The name I chose as a potential, is "Two Parts Love" I think it's a great name for cake shop, but I see my dad's point as well. Now, what I'm wondering is will people still think of the sexual side of the name if they actually see it above a window full of sweets, or in...
  2. H

    Poll: Lady Gaga or Katy Perry?

    Ga.Ga.. I don't think either one is pretty..they both wear way too much make up, so who knows what they really look like..all Hollywood is fake...we are the real chix! We are way more hot! :)
  3. H

    Should i meet a boy that i talk to on msn my friend knows him already PLEASE HELP?

    You should only meet him if you have someone you feel safe w/ you. NEVER GO ALONE!
  4. H

    my dreams ALWAYS tell the future?

    It sounds like your having premonitions..I have them all the time, though they are not as clear as yours. You have a gift given to you from God, you are blessed & Its a good thing, don't ever let anyone say its not. Just keep a dream journal & pay close attention to your dreams, you might be...
  5. H

    I caughtmy bf watching porn w/ more than one guy banging a girl...& he also

    likes butt he gay? Does it mean my boyfriend is gay if he watches porn w/ multiple guys doing one girl? Im really getting worried! O & What If he likes butt sex? Does that make him gay?
  6. H

    The wizard of oz, writing in the sky?

    Surrender Dorothy
  7. H

    What can i put on my gerbils sore bloodied tail?

    Can't you just call the vet and ask them?
  8. H

    What can i put on my gerbils sore bloodied tail?

    Can't you just call the vet and ask them?
  9. H

    What can i put on my gerbils sore bloodied tail?

    Can't you just call the vet and ask them?
  10. H

    What can i put on my gerbils sore bloodied tail?

    Can't you just call the vet and ask them?
  11. H

    What can i put on my gerbils sore bloodied tail?

    Can't you just call the vet and ask them?
  12. H

    Lost: Who wants to return to the island who wants to still leave and who

    wants to stay off it (spoilers/long)? My thoughs:: Jack-we know he wants too return because of whatever Locke said to him. I thought it was to just save the ones still on the island, but Ben says you'll never be coming back he says good. Kate-I don't think she wants too go back to protect...
  13. H

    What is your opinion on abortion and what religion are you?

    Well I am not Pro-Abortion running around kicking pregnant women in the stomachs hoping they will lose their babies or sitting in a clock tower targeting pregnant women stomachs. I would say though its a woman's boday and SHE has the right to do whats best, and if she has three children at home...
  14. H

    Has Tina mentioned her religion to anyone ? Does she wear any religious braclets...

    I went to College with a Tina but I think she was agnostic. I don't remember her wearing jewerly. She was on my floor but we were not "friends" per say.
  15. H

    What are the major diffrences between wolves and coyotes? What happens when the meet?

    Are coyotes noctornal? Where to they mainly live? Where are wolves mainly? Deserts? Mountains? Grasslands? Forests?
  16. H

    How do I eat a heart healthy meal without giving up good taste?

    I'm in college, so my options are limited. I have a microwave and fridge/freezer, but I can't boil or toast things. I'm not trying to lose weight, I just want heart healty foods.