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  1. C

    What is learning karate like?

    "how good is she likely to be?" If she's very serious and spends hours training every day, it's possible she'll be close to Olympic level, but more likely, she'll be about the athletic level of a high school or college athlete. A good school will not allow someone to test for black belt until...
  2. C

    TMA vs MMA? More correctly, combat sports vs non combat sports?

    It's a false dichotomy. Anything can have a competitive format. I can (and have) taught boxing as a method of self-defense, just as it was taught for many, many years in the West; T'ai Chi and Aikido, of all things, have competitions. The training methods utilized by so-called "combat sports"...
  3. C

    Do you feel it is better for MMA fighters to fight in a cage or to fight in a

    A cage would be better for strikers if they simply were square. Fewer angles means it's easier to back someone into the corner and punch away. The cage is better for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the safety of the fighters. I've seen guys fall out of rings in MMA, boxing, and...
  4. C

    Are there any aspects of boxing that are more difficult than MMA?

    The differences in difficulty between MMA and boxing come down to this: boxing is a more closed system than MMA. If you're in boxing and just have trouble picking up the actual boxing (punching, punch defense, movement, etc) then you're constantly playing catch-up. However, if you take up MMA...
  5. C

    Do you think Siyar Bahadurzada could make a run for the title in the UFC?

    I doubt he could make a title run as long as GSP is champion. His striking isn't particularly technical and his takedown defense looks weak. We'll have to see how he performs against top wrestlers first, but considering "Cyborg" Santos was able to reverse him, it doesn't look good. Still, he...
  6. C

    Which two mma fighters are comparable?

    Silva/GSP has more legs than Fedor/Couture, who really don't have that much in common.
  7. C

    interview questions for mma trainers and fighters?

    Well, what do you want to know about them? What kind of audience is this for? An audience of non-fans are going to want different information than those who are hardcore fans. For the fighters, you can ask common questions, like why they fight, who their role models are, how they got into...
  8. C

    Why is the UFC adopting five-round non-title-fights?

    Actually there's been talk of this since around spring/summer. And yes, it's only the headlining fights. I think the main reason they're doing it is to make for more exciting cards, though I'm not sure that will do the trick. The thing is, a lot of headlining fights in the past have been...
  9. C

    hi i am a big fan of karate mix martial arts and kung fu but i was wanting to know...

    No, it is not possible to master all styles. Or really even learn them. There are over 400 Kung Fu styles alone, about a dozen major karate systems, several different schools of Aikido and Jujitsu... Most people are lucky if they "master" one system after decades of study. The "Shaolin...
  10. C

    If someone in MMA UFC did what Floyd Mayweather did to Victor Ortiz?

    Fighters have gotten flack from fans before when they've done things that fans considered "cheap". Personally I think it would be unethical, but well within the rules. If you go to touch gloves any time other than when instructed to do so by the ref, you're putting the fight at risk. You're...
  11. C

    does the ufc force the fighters to gain weight to fight heavier weight classes?

    Anderson Silva actually walks around at 230, then cuts down to 185lbs. He's weighed in twice at Light Heavyweight at 205lbs on the dot. There have been a few times that the UFC has influenced what weight class a fighter competes at. When Matt Hughes won the Welterweight title, his coach, Pat...
  12. C

    Your MMA dream matches?

    I actually did an article on this forever ago- My all-time pick is Sakuraba (2000) vs. A. Silva today, but Condit today vs. Sakurai (2001) and Vovchanchyn (2000) vs. Manhoef today would also be really entertaining.
  13. C

    Martial arts books and DVDs for self-defense and fitness?

    I wouldn't recommend getting that armlock book. Not because it's bad (I don't own it, but own two other books by Steve Scott and think they're great) but because without the skills in place to take the opponent to the ground, where most of those locks are executed, and fight to stay in a good...
  14. C

    My instructor is giving me Karate lessons instead of Kick Boxing which i really

    My general take is that training in something is better than training in nothing, but at the same time, if you're not getting what you want, you're well within your rights to leave. Karate was my first martial art and it's been a great foundation for me, but I can certainly understand that if...
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    Really? Fights are judged round by round. The winner of each round is given ten points, and the loser is given nine or less. So unless a fighter got a point deducted or lost a round very badly, most rounds will be scored 10-9. If a fighter wins all three rounds, the final score will be...
  16. C

    Information about mixed martial arts (MMA)?

    Use sources other than the Internet. "No Holds Barred" by Clyde Gentry and "Total MMA" by Jonathan Snowden are both good books on the history of MMA. Magazines like "Fighters Only" will have good interviews with the fighters. Incidentally, those interviews are where you want to read up on...
  17. C

    What's that mode in UFC Undisputed when all fighters of different weight classes...

    No such mode. Some fighters, such as Vitor Belfort, BJ Penn, Rich Franklin, and Brandon Vera can fight at two different weight classes. Belfort can fight at MW or LHW; the LHW version fought Shogun in that video.
  18. C

    Do mma fighters make good money?

    Not really. Even lower-tier fighter on the "big show" only make a few thousand per fight, meaning maybe $18K per year. Not bad, but not great. Of course, this doesn't count endorsement money, but again, unless you're high-profile that's not going to be too much. Most MMA fighters have...
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    is kimbo slice the worst mma fighter ever?

    Not even close, really. 1-28 6-46 0-10 He's one of the worst *high profile* MMA fighters ever, regarding his record and performance, but at...
  20. C

    when will we see a UFC division that is open to all styles?using their own

    Everyone trains multiple styles, including Machida (who's also a BJJ black belt, has competed in Sumo competitions, and has trained some Western wrestling and Muay Thai). He won his matches vs. Sokoudjou, McDonald, and Kengo Watanabe largely by using BJJ. That's because nobody with a single...